Authors note

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I know, I know, you want an update, not an authors note, but fret not, because chapter 5 will be up later today and maybe chapter 6... Don't get your hopes up tho...

Anyway, I first wanted to say that I love writing this, and I never thought that I would seeing as it was created in the dark depths of 4am, but I was in the gc talking with Sarah and I just had this idea, and typed out chapter 1. I asked if I should make it a full on book on wattpad, because I did have ideas for it, and Gabe said I should, and I'm so, so happy he did. And all the support I'm getting on Twitter really helps keep me motivated, which I almost never am with my stories. And second, I'm still figuring out my updating system with this story, so far I'm update two times a day which, if you've been following me long know, won't last. When I was writing The Slip, I updated it once day and it's pretty crap, some chapters were only a few words long, and I was really stressed about updating once a day and such. But I think I'll be better with this story, I'll try to keep updating like I have been, but I'll probably cut it down to once a day.

Arigato for reading my story so far ^_^

Stay alive

Tobi out!

*throws update at you really soon*

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