Chapter 4

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KC wheeled into the forest that is closer to Pepe forest and started searching for the small yellow flowers that her kind desperately needed. She walked closer to the area where she met Ara. She sighed remembering her purple hair. She found the small yellow flowers and realised there was something else in the grass. It was a small purple flower that KC remembered to be from Ara's flower crown. KC pulled her eyepatch up to get a better look at the small purple flower. It reminded her so much of Ara. Ara was small, delicate like the flowers petals. Her hair purple just like the flowers petal colour. She sighed and gave the flower a sympathetic look. It just just then when she heard rustling coming from the bushes. She put her eyepatch back on and wheeled over to the trespasser. "Stop right there, trespasser!" KC exclaimed. She realised that it was Ara and almost fell off her tricycle. Ara stared up at her with her beautiful hazel eyes. KC could tell that she was blushing she was about to roll away when Ara spoke, "Why do you wear that eyepatch?" "Um... well... uh..." KC stuttered back. "I like your green eye." Ara stated. KC looked extremely shook when Ara said that, and this time did fall off her tricycle. "W-what?" KC asked with a stutter. "I like your one hazel and your one green eye." Ara stated again. "B-bu-" KC started but was interrupted by Ara, "I know, green eyes are a sign you're part Pepe, but I honestly don't care. You know, ever since I first met you, all I could think about was you, maybe a strange connection or a term Doge refers to as love at first sight, either way, you're all I could think about." Ara interjected with a crimson face. KC stared at her, stunned. The girl who she devolved a crush on felt the same way?! KC didn't know what to say. "My friend is always trying to hook me up with her male friends, but none of them seem even half as interesting as you. I know we're opposites, but I know we can make this work, what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" Ara stated boldly. "Ara, I feel the same way about you, but I'm Dat Boi, you're Pepe, they just don't mix." "Then we'll make them mix, I don't care what I have to do to be with you." "Ara... I-I... You barely know me, how do you know this will work?!" "I just know it will" KC sighed and gave Ara a hug. Ara took her eyepatch off and stared into her eyes, hazel and green. "I love those eyes." Ara mumbled. "We cant live together or see each other, you know that, right?" KC stated. "I know... but maybe we'll find a place for us, a place where we can be ourselves, and I know just the place." Ara said boldly.

Ooo, we're getting to the good stuff! Hope you enjoyed it! And special thanks to the Trash Foster Home™ gc for all the support, I love you all.

Stay alive

Tobi out!

*throws holy water and bible at you cause you might need it in following chapters*

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