Chapter 8: We Meet Again

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He was being a child. I didn't tell him because I thought he would overreact. And that was exactly what he did. Now, we were never going to get the chance to hang low and fit in.

My blood boiled and bubbled as magic coursed through my veins. I grabbed the fork, beside my plate and held it above my lap. The fork quickly melted into a small ball of metal, and then disintegrated. I brushed the ashes off of my lap and let out an aggravated sigh.

"Did you get that out of your system?" Aleksander asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Because now would be a good time to start answering their questions," he pointed at the other royals sitting at the table who were staring at us intently.

"Is there a problem?" I asked sharply.

Mixed emotions passed through the table. Most of them were angry that I would treat them with such disrespect, but deep within the corners of their mind they could sense how dangerous I was. They seemed indifferent, with their arms crossed and heads tilted upwards, but fear was still evident in their emotions.

"Why don't we all just calm down," Aleksander's voice was deeper with soothing undertones.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I hated it when he used that voice. It was the voice that gave him everything he ever wanted.

Anger slowly subsided as the heirs stared into Aleksander's hypnotic blue eyes. I applauded him for calming them down, I just wish he didn't have to compel them. The heirs were still watching us and they had just witnessed Aleksander use a power that only Adeline should be able to possess. If they weren't suspicious of us before, they would be now.

"I'm Aleksander and this is my friend Caddie."

I had to hold back an eye roll when a few of the royal sluts nonchalantly tugged at their corset, when he turned his charming smile on them. The guys weren't as easy to charm. They sat back in their chairs, trying to keep their composure.

"I heard that we just missed a good elemental game. Would anyone be willing to tell me what happened? I've always been a big supporter of the Fire team."

Just like that, Aleksander had won over the guys. Grins broke out on their faces. They shared quick glances with one another before nodding approvingly. A tall Royal with a thick mop of curly brown hair on top of his head, was the first to start recounting the game to Aleksander. After a few minutes the other guys jumped in and began animatedly explaining every play by play.

While Aleksander charmed everyone at our table, I sat back and let my mind wander. Curiosity was eating away at me but I couldn't distinguish whether it was mine or everyone else's. There were always too many questions and not enough answers in my mind. Alix had once said all my worrying was going to drive me mad. I promised her that I would try my hardest not to worry but how could I not when the devil, Bob, was trying to peer inside of my soul.

I looked up from my plate and met Bob's burning gaze. He hardened his stare. It was a ploy of intimidation, I used to do it all the time. Instead of playing along like I wanted, my subconscious went into auto-drive and kept my eyes trained on his. He was the first to look away and for a fraction of a second I felt triumphant. At least that was until he and the five other heirs stood up from their seats and walked towards my table.

"Do you mind if we join you?" Bob asked.

Everyone flinched at the sound of his voice and the conversation died. Bob grabbed a free chair and pulled it over to the table. The noise of the chair legs scraping against the wooden floor reminded me of nails on a chalkboard. Unwanted shivers ran down my spine as he sat down, his eyes never left mine.

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced," Bob began, "I'm Prince Roberto Acosta, future Dark Warlock. And you are."

"Caddie Böse," I had to bite my tongue to keep me from giving him the biggest shock of his life.

"Böse, you say?"

He tilted his head to the side and raised an inquisitive brow. His fellow heirs stood by his chair. I wish I knew what they were feeling but I was too focused on Bob. The warlock speaking to me, sounded exactly like the vampire I had trusted. Everything about him was the same; his faux friendly tone, his cold- calculating stare, even the way he held himself as if he was superior to all- it was all the same. Perhaps time doesn't change a person after all, I thought.

"And your friend," Bob gestured to Aleksander, "Who is he?"

"I am Aleksander Volkov," Alek interjected.

I whipped my head around and stared at him in shock. How could he? I roared in my mind. His stupid big mouth was going to get us killed! I clenched my fists tightly, and gritted my teeth. If he didn't shut up, I was going to make up him.

"We're related? How?" A voice as beautiful as tinkling bells asked. Adeline.

"Yes, Mister Aleksander," Bob said with smirk clear in his voice, "Do in enlighten us, please."

"Yeah," I agreed with a tight smile on my face. "Tell everyone. This will be an interesting story."

**I'm going to start this author's note off with a big thank you to everyone who is still reading the series. Your passion for the series fuels my own. I can't wait to start delving deeper into the story of 1816. Yes, this plays a big part in Caddie's life but hopefully this book will also help develop a few other characters. The book follows Caddie, but it will also tell the story of Adeline and Bob and how the shaped the future. Jaxon, Alix, Caddie and Aleksander will have to work as a team if they want to kill Bob before he destroys the world. Do you think they'll be able to do it? Or do you think history will be able to repeat itself and they'll fall apart while Bob triumphs?

Please tell me in the comments, I love hearing what you guys have to say.

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