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And so, dear friend, our winter tale has come to an end.

I like to think that one many great things have been taught and learned along the way.

But of all the things you've seen, a few must always stand clear, like they were to that young soul that arrived to the town of Yule.

Like how memories are part of you, yet not all there is. And how those who have come and gone in your life hold a meaning, yet aren't your entire story. Like how it takes nothing more than wanting to leave the cold, and step into the beautiful warm world around you. Filled with people just like you and me, searching for things they've lost. Sometimes we have found them already, and it just takes a little effort for us to see that we've struck gold.

On a side note, things got better from that day forward in that Yule city. Friends became closer, and bonds were made to last forever. I could tell you more, but there's no need; you can think for yourself how it goes from here.

But just to keep you at ease, and to rest your heart assured. Though Connor kept convinced that there was no such thing, he did get a happy ending, after all.

And that's one thing he long had coming. And in that, we can all agree, can we not?

So be at peace, and move on to the next story. Though this one is far from over, this is as far as we're allowed to stay in it. Let's leave it in its happy now, and be glad about the someday happy ending.

And next time they ask you what happens when a heart as cold as ice meets one made of gold, just tell them about a certain pair that proved the whole world wrong in one way or another.

Or even better, keep it to yourself. It's a secret you and I could share.

We did take part of this story, after all. Don't we deserve it?

To me, it sounds quite fair.

Algid (#TronnorAU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ