Chapter 46: The City of Lakes

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The wind bashed strongly against the car, its permanent whistle ringing in his ear, as they sped through the dark streets of Yule. The snowflakes that fell upon the pavement and against the glass of the windows dizzied Connor's eyes, as he unconsciously followed each and every one of them in their freefall from the heavens to the ground down below. Troye steered focused ahead, and neither of them spoke a word.

Truly right now, Connor's mind was totally in blank. Everything around him seemed dark, except for the streetlights that glowed a dim yellow, and Troye's car lights and radio, which was rather light blue. It was playing some song Connor didn't pay any attention to, plus the static wasn't much of a help either.

As for the Australian, he didn't know what was motivating him towards the actions he was taking tonight. Sure, he was driving the car with haste yet caution, and he steered with the outmost focus. But he didn't know why. He just knew he was determined. Determined to leave Yule with Connor, and to reach the Mill City of Minneapolis. To that cold unknown place where surely lied the twin graves of Connor's late parents. He didn't think for a minute of checking with his mum or dad, or even his siblings. He wanted to send Laurelle a text, though, asking her not to worry. He trusted Mikey would do the explaining for him. It wasn't the first time he drove long distances alone after all; only the first time it was on such short notice. He was sure his parent's wouldn't mind, not that much.

Besides, he wasn't really alone.

Eventually they reached the outskirts of Yule, and entered the highway that bordered around the lake and then headed west—towards a small mountain trail that would lead them to the interstate in less than half an hour at the most. They would have to cross Tubula Town, but Troye was sure enough of himself to keep driving through the night, so that they would get some rest in the morning when they would be closer to Minnesota.

Connor's mind remained lost, when he saw something other than the snowflakes at the window; water from the lake, trees that blurred by, and a green signpost.

"You are now leaving Yule, Wisconsin"

Reading the words made Connor's brain react. He blinked once, twice, and came to realize where he was, and whom he was with.

And where they were going.

He turned his head around and stared bewildered at Troye, with his mouth hanging open and unable to pronounce a word for several seconds. After battling the sensation of a dry throat, he managed to utter a few words.

-"... S-Stop the car."

Troye looked at Connor from the corner of his eye, but with sight still fixed on the road ahead. A hint of a smirk formed in his lips.

-"It's a little late for that."—Troye said—"I'm afraid there's nowhere to park anyway."

-"Stop. Please... Just... for a minute."

Seeing how Connor seemed to be getting upset, Troye bit his lower lip, and started to slow down the car's speed. He spotted a large signpost advertising some sort of book, with a very odd title (something about fire being amazing he couldn't quite tell). It was well illuminated, so he parked the car there, next to the highway. Troye let out a breath of air, which Connor could see due to the cold.

They were both silent for a few minutes. Connor was staring blankly at the glove compartment, and Troye was watching him, with both hands still on the wheel. How much did he want to crawl inside his head, just to see what frightened him this much. Just to have a taste of his pain.

Then again, somethings we cannot do, not even for those we hold dear. And admitting that breaks your soul.

Connor let out a long sigh.

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