15. 説得の順序 - Settoku no junjo

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The order of persuasion

"I want you to join Ikagai, join me."

The words echoed through my head as I sat in the dismal little cage they threw me in. My lips brushed the skin of my knees and my cold hands kept them up. How had things come down to this? Mice squeaked and scurried around, scavenging for even a morsel of food. The only source of light barely filtered through the tight bars of the wooden room.

My eyes narrowed a fraction as I gazed up at the snowy haired man. His gloved hand holding my chin as he awaited my answer. "Join...you?" I managed to string out, suspicion clear in my unwavering voice. He simply nodded, "Yes, Shiranui. Please consider your answer carefully. We both know how you like jumping into things without thinking it through." Amusement glinted in his golden hues. The Amatsu I knew used to scold me all the time for being so reckless, and ever since that day...

"Why the hell would I join an impostor or any criminal organization?" I spat, tugging my head away from his grasp. A flash of irritation crossed his features before settling into a pout. "I thought we were over this impostor thing, darling!" He exclaimed, turning and holding a hand to his heart. "besides," in a flash he was kneeling down and gripping my chin once more; our faces barely inches apart. "I'm the real deal." A shiver ran down my spine as his breath fanned my neck. No matter how hard I tried, my body wouldn't move. It didn't want to move.

Come on! Get yourself together! Is this how a ninja of Konohagakure acts, I spat at myself. "No. I'm not joining this organization."

"No?" he hummed, standing up and staring down at me through slit pupils. I could hear the man who brought me in shift his weight, his heart beating a little faster. Was this fear? Or was it excitement? I couldn't tell. Amatsu folded his arms and tapped his index finger on his chin. "Well, it seems you've outgrown that blindness. How disappointing. I thought this was going to be easy." a sigh passed his lips as he strolled back to his throne and sat down leisurely. " I suppose I'll offer you another deal, ne?"

My brows furrowed. A deal? There was a sinking feeling in my stomach as I continued to work on my restraints. Amatsu took my silence as permission to continue. "Hmm, how about this: I won't kill everyone you love if you join me. If you don't... well you know what happens." a cheeky smirk painted his lips as he tilted his head a fraction to glance down at me. Kill everyone I love...?

"...no." I muttered. "No? Are you stupid?" He questioned, his head now resting on his hand. "you can't. You wouldn't. If you really are Amatsu, you wouldn't ever do that." I spoke, each time getting louder and louder. The snowy haired male quirked a brow and lips formed an 'o'. "I can't? Ha, I can. I wouldn't? I will." malice laced his voice as he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

"Take her to the pit. Maybe she'll change her mind if she spends the night there."

I clicked my tongue as I stood from my position and strode towards the bars. Amatsu said I would change my mind if I stay here, but that is highly unlikely. If there is even the slim chance of a way to stop him from harming everyone at home.. I would take it. My sacrifice would come last. I would do everything I could before I would die and leave anyone behind.

But what happens now? What is The Pit? Thoughts muddled my mind as I begand to pace back and fourth. Surely I wouldn't just be kept in the same room all night. That would achieve nothing, so what was it? I stood erect when the gate started to slide open slowly, creaking eerily the entire way. The afternoon sun highlighted the frame and the shadow of a larger man stood. "Come on lass, it's time for the pit." He instructed, a hint of sympathy in his mellow voice. It confused me.

"What exactly is the pit?" I inquired as I slowly walked forwards. What? There was no use standing there and hoping it would just pass by. Every step I took, his face became more visible. First his jawline, then the lower parts of his face, then his sparkling grey eyes and finally his shaggy black hair. He was quite handsome, but that was the last thing on my mind. "You're grave or your pedestal." he replied curtly. We said nothing else as he lead me to a metal cross-hatch gate. Beyond the small holes, I could faintly see a round stadium, the ground consisting of sand and red splatters.

"You aren't allowed any weapons, anything else goes. Good luck, Shiranui." he said.

"Wait a moment. What's your name? It's only fair."

The man paused. "Ryuu. I hope you survive, I still have to get back at you for when we first met." As he turned away, there was a small smirk on his lips. I watched as he disappeared down the tunnel and into an abyss. A sigh passed my lips and I squared my shoulders. The loud echo of a horn reverberated within the coliseum.

"let the games begin!"

Pain shot through my legs as I pushed myself off the ground and into the air; sailing above the 7 foot tall beast. The number of wounds I've attained...I cannot count. All I knew now was that I needed to save my energy or I will surely die. I rolled to the left as a sharp saber tooth lodged itself into the ground. It would have ripped right through me.

The vicious hiss slithered into my ears as I turned to face the foul creature I was forced to fight. My bare hands against poisoned fangs... How fitting. It's upper body lifted into the air, winding around itself and stared down upon me through beautiful yellow and brown eyes. It's large forked tongue flickered between its scaly lips; tasting the air for my heat signature. How could it find me? The sun was basically scorching the earth. It would be like looking for a snowflake in a blizzard.

Nonetheless, it lunged and I sprang into action once more. Whatever happens those fangs must not touch me. If that happens.. It will be the end. But I highly doubt Amatsu would just let me die, especially after inviting me to the organization and threatening my friends. That's what I hoped.

This had to end soon! Nightfall was soon to be upon us. The snake-like creature seemed to grin down upon me maliciously, as if imagining my taste. As if I'd let some beast kill me. My brows set into an angry angle, eyes becoming like sharp Crimson daggers. I had an idea, and I really hoped it would work.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed the inner workings of my mind and cleared the negative energy from my body. The upturned dust settled back to the ground, the crowd hushed themselves in anticipation, what could I be doing next?

I disappeared from my spot, quicker than lightning and ran at the wall and landed sideways; immediately bending my knees and launching at the beast with an emotionless expression. My hand extended forwards as I neared, reaching towards the creature. To everyone else, it looked as if i had simply raced past the beast. Many shouted in disapproval as I landed neatly ten feet away.

The snake-creature roared and turned towards me; intending to charge. Only to pause with a look of shock. What happened? It seemed to ask. My crimson hues were hidden as I stood to my full height and hands hanging limply at my sides. No later did the creature's head fall lifeless to the blood stained sand.

My hands were spotless.

"You never cease to amaze me, Sunshine." Amatsu purred as he strolled into the cell they held me in. I said nothing, just stared at him evenly. It was nearly midnight by now, the stars would have been shining beautifully upon the earth. It was a shame I couldn't see them. The white haired man stopped right before me, standing a head taller.

"Have you considered my offer?" He inquired. A shadow covered my eyes as I clenched my fist—the faintest crinkle sound coming from it. Slowly I nodded. Interest sparked in his eye as he quirks a brow. "Oh? And pray tell what the answer might be? If you say no—"

"I will join you."




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じゃあまたね !

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