5.欺瞞 - Giman [ part one.]

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I barely made it to the gates. Only a minute to spare before I was going to have my lungs on the floor from running. Why did I think it was a good idea to create punishments for the sensei as well? I need to start thinking these things through.


Naruto yelled as he pointed at me, eyes closed and a smug smirk on his face. Sakura took a look at her watch before shaking her head. Sasuke rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pockets. I glanced around, looking for the pervert in a mask to find he was not here. I snickered and turned to Naruto.

"I had a minute to spare. I'm not late, Kakashi is."

Naruto nodded his head and sat down right where he was — in the middle of the walkway. "I'm what?" Everyone jumped when their sensei appeared with a bored look on his face. This time is was Sakura who yelled at him for being late.

"Oh." Was all he said before turning to greet the man we were hired to escort back to his home. They talked for a few minutes, probably about details. I already did that when he first arrived.

I asked him if we would expect any dangers, he just shrugged with a warm smile saying 'I would hope not!' Which in turn made me a little suspicious. Tsuki-Yumi trotted beside me as we headed off to the Land of Embers. Being as anxious as I was about the mission, it was assuring to feel that there was one person I could totally rely on here.

Staying towards the back, my senses were on high alert and constantly scanning for any disturbances. It was surprisingly quiet during the first hour or two considering we had Naruto of all people with us. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just felt even more uneasy.

Tsuki... I hope this was the right choice. I telepathically told my companion. The spirit tilted his head to glance at me before returning to the road before us. It is, Shi. They are ninja for a reason, why do you doubt them so much? Was his reply. I gave him a look before watching the others through red hues.

You know why.

Tsuki-Yumi didn't reply after that. We continued our trek until night fell and we set up camp. I stared into the flickering flames of our little camp absently, stroking Tsuki-Yumi's translucent fur.

"Hey, Shi-sensei! How old are you?" Naruto was the one to ask. Of course when I looked up his mouth was filled with the rice balls he packed. I raised a brow and looked around only to find everyone else interested. A sigh passed my lips as I rested my head on intertwined hands.

"Old enough."

Our client, Izaya Yoshio, was watching me intently. His gaze made me uncomfortable like he was studying and pulling me apart. My attention was ripped away when Sakura punched Naruto upside the head. "Naruto! You don't just ask girls how old they are, stupid!"

Sasuke was smirking at me. "What is it, Uchiha?" He just shrugged, replying. "Just thinking that maybe you are younger than us. You act like it."

A tick mark appeared on my head as I narrowed my eyes. "What was that, brat?" I growled, rolling up my sleeves and standing up to my full height. Sasuke did the same, only he was shorter than me. I smirked when he realized this fact.

"Hn. Just because you're taller doesn't mean you're older."

I grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged him until we were eye to eye. Sakura yelped and tried to help by calling Sasuke's name over and over. But surprisingly it was Kakashi who broke us up by putting a hand on my shoulder. Reluctantly I dropped the Uchiha and sat back down with a pout.

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