Kylie was out of sight when the car turned the corner.  

Maybe this is how it was meant to be. She'll be better off without me anyway. I just hope I can move on... In Juvi? 

"ooh Case is going to hear about this.' Oh shit!

~~~~~ Kylie - What have I done? ~~~~~

Kylie watched as they took Alex away in the cruiser. She had done this and there was nothing she could do about it. She made Alex do what she did.  

Everyone witnessed what happened and were still asking questions.  

Kylie put herself together, got up, and asked the chief where they were taking her. After the man gave her the address, Kylie pulled out her phone and the number Rachael told her to call if there was an emergency. This was certainly an emergency. 

"Hello?" Rachael answered unsure of why Kylie was calling her. 

"Alex was taken to Juvi. I need your help to get her out." Kylie sped through her words not knowing if Rachael could even understand her. Kylie told her everything from the part that she came to the warehouse saved someone only to find out that Alex had fought with cops and was arrested. 

Rachael and Mike came minutes later. They sped to the address Kylie was given. Many questions were asked on the ride to the detention center. Kylie didn't know what to say since she was asking herself the very same questions. 

"all i know is that after I came down from the roof top, Alex came running to me asking if I wad okay. Next thing I know I'm surround by crazy reporters trying to make me talk. Alex had left and I couldn't see her anywhere. When I spotted her, she was being handcuffed and put in a police car." Kylie took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

It didn't make any since. Why would Alex beat up policeman?

~~~~~ Alex - Prison with a less severe name ~~~~~

"we're here." said the police officer turning off the engine. I bent down trying to see where exactly 'here' is. The building seemed like a factory. The color of the walls drained having no life. The brick building holds no sign of a kind and friendly place. 

'Don't act like you've never seen one of these places before.' well at least the one in Texas had awesome graffiti on the walls. 'yeah well happy people don't put officers in the hospital.' oh shut up will you?  

The officer opened the door and grabbed my arm getting me out of the car. I shook his hand off furiously, he had no right grabbing me.  

The officer then pushed me forward ordering me to walk not allowing me to say a single word. I listened and did everything he told me, not wanting to get in yet more trouble.  

Cassandra has enough to deal with already. 'dude I can't wait, she is going to kick your as-' hey dumbass if i go down you go down with me, so if i were you, which i am, i would shut the hell up! 'ok, ok. Jeez can't take a joke?'  

"Hello officer." greets the woman in the front desk when we arrive at her desk. She smiles at him warmly not acknowledging my presence. The officer blushes and returns the greeting by shaking her hand. After a light conversation the officer goes straight to business and tells her about my case. 

"Whoa! Is Mark going to be ok?" she asked after hearing about the guy I had put in the hospital. The officer nodded his head and glared at me.  

"well then lets start shall we?" with that said the cop grabbed me yet again by the arm and dragged me. 

Saved by a Woman (GirlxGirl) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now