Chapter 16

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The Light vs. The Dark

Xina raised her sabers in defense against Galen. He jumped and attacked her with powerful yet swift strikes. She kept blocking them, but with each hit she felt the impact they left. She countered one of his strikes and kicked him in the stomach, which made him fall back. "Impressive," said Galen. He kicked her in the chest and the sheer force of the kick made her fly into one of the abandoned buildings. Her rage was beginning to build, and Galen could sense that. He walked towards the building, and Xina let out a force scream. The impact made Galen use the force to reduce the damage, Xina threw her sabers at Galen. He caught them using the force, she used the force to retrieve them. She was beginning to get furious with Galen, she was contemplating on using her new force power. "It's not perfect yet, but The Emperor said I can do it," she thought to herself. She lifted her hand up, and a burst of electricity shot out of her hands. "Burn Jedi!," exclaimed Xina. Galen focused his force energy into his hands, and began to absorb the lightning. She saw an opening and attempted to slice at Galen's feet, but he saw and jumped over her and kicked her into the wall. Xina gave herself to the dark side once again, and she began to attack Galen with flurry of strikes, that even he couldn't counter. She broke through his defenses and punched him with enough power to send him flying. Galen got up and cracked his neck, and said "that was not bad, not bad at all,". He jumped down and ran towards Xina, who put her guard up. He suddenly appeared behind her with a sudden burst of speed. Xina saw his movements and kicked him across the face. He flew back and deactivated his lightsaber. He began to concentrate his force energy inside his body. He knocked her back with a powerful force repulse, she attempted to withstand it. The pressure and force was too great for her. While she flew through the air, one of her sabers was knocked from her hand. She only had one saber to use, she attacked Galen with a powerful strike. He caught her arm in his hand and pushed her back, suddenly he dashed at her. She put her block up, and he sliced at her. He deactivated his saber and turned around to look at her. She dashed towards him, but suddenly felt a great pain. She saw that her arm was slowly detaching itself from her body, it fell off shortly after she looked. Blood began to drain from her body, after it detached. She used the force to cauterize her arm, and her rage took over. She used the force to blue away the entire slums, and she saw her lost saber. She used the force to retrieve it, and she put it up to her face. "Now, you will die Jedi!," exclaimed Xina in anger. She jumped towards Galen but he used the force to catch her in the air. He knocked her into the ground extremely hard, she began to cry. "Surrender, it's over," said Galen. She looked up at him, holding where her arm used to be. "Although the dark side has made you extremely powerful, it has also made you careless and predictable," said Galen. "Return to the light side of the force, and become the Jedi you still can be," he continued. He held out his hand, and Xina looked at his hand with tears dripping down her face.

To be continued....
Could Galen actually be the one to turn Ahsoka back to the light side of the force?! Will she become a Jedi again?! Find out in the next chapter, coming soon!

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