Chapter 7

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                                                                             Master and Apprentice

Anakin was proud to have his apprentice by his side again, especially now that she's a Sith apprentice. The newly crowned Darth Xina stood up and stood next to her master, and looked up at him. "What is your will, my master?" asked Xina. "There are more Jedi scattered across the galaxy, and I need you to track them down and eliminate them," said Darth Vader coldly. "As you wish, my master," said Xina bowing her head. "You are destined to become powerful my young apprentice, use your hatred it makes you powerful," said Vader. "Yes, my master," said Xina before walking away. She walked towards her Jedi starfighter, and proceeded to fly into the atmosphere. Suddenly a hologram of Darth Vader appeared in her fighter, and she turned around. "Yes master?," asked Xina anxiously. "You're first target is Master Satele Shan," said Vader. Xina was shocked by the name of her target, she knows that Satele Shan died with the old Republic thousands of years ago. "Master, are you sure about this?" asked Xina. "She died a millennium ago with the old Jedi Order and I'm not that strong to take on someone like Satele," said Xina hopelessly. Darth Vader became angered by her sense of failure and began to choke her with the force. "You will not fail me on your mission and you will bring me her lightsaber as proof of her death," said Vader angrily. "Y-yes m-master," said Xina choking to near death. The hologram disappeared and so did Vader's grip on her throat. Xina didn't even know where to look for Satele, so she would have to use her force search abilities to find her. She closed her eyes and began to sense all across the galaxy for the presence of a Jedi Master. She felt a strong energy signal coming from Coruscant, it was a light side presence. "That must be her!," shouted Xina. She made the jump to lightspeed and began training before she reaches Coruscant. After many hours of lightsaber and force training, she reached Coruscant and landed on the landing pad near the Jedi Temple. She got out of her ship and pulled up her hood to her Sith robes and began walking towards the temple. Someone was watching her from one of the temple windows, Xina sensed it and saw the hooded figure watching her. She jumped up to the window and the figure was running away, Xina in close pursuit. Xina turned a corner after the figure and it was gone, she could still sense its presence. She walked into the destroyed Jedi Archives and began searching for the mysterious figure. "Come out Jedi!," shouted Xina. There was no response from the figure, she kept looking around for the figure. Suddenly the figure jumped of the second floor of the balcony, lightsaber already drawn and attempted to kill Xina in one strike. Xina was too quick, she turned around and blocked the saber attack and pushed her away. "Why must you do this, you're going down a path of destruction," said the figure. She took off her Jedi robes and it was no doubt in Xina's mind it was Satele. Xina raised her new red lightsabers up in defense. "Ahsoka, my dear, dear Ahsoka there is no need to fight," said Satele. "I do not go by that name anymore, I am Darth Xina and today you will die Jedi!," yelled Ahsoka. She jumped and attempted to slash Satele in the throat, but she dodged by just moving back a few steps. Xina tried to slash at Satele's legs, but she jumped over the saber and kicked her into the desk. The anger was building in Xina, and she wanted her dead, she can't fail her master now. "Die jedi!," shouted Xina in anger. She threw her lightsabers at Satele, and she easily caught them. Xina was shocked at how outmatched she is. "My child, there are alternatives to fighting," said Satele. Xina kicked Satele into the shelves which fell. "How's that Jedi?!," said Xina in frustration. Satele got up and dusted herself off, and began to walk towards Xina. She began to think to herself, the only way she could win is by lightsaber dueling and to throw her off balance. " Come on, I thought the great Satele Shan was better than this!", shouted Xina tauntingly. "My child, there is still hope for you I know it," said Satele hopefully. "In the battle against Revan you got all those troops and Jedi killed!," shouted Xina. Something snapped inside Satele, she never wanted to hear about that story again, Xina hit a sensitive point for Satele. Xina used the force to grab her lightsabers from Satele, and Satele ignited her own double bladed lightsaber. "Finally, we can settle this Jedi!," said Xina grinning. "I'll make sure to send you back to you're master, in pieces!," shouted Satele as she jumped into the air about to attack Xina.

To be continued.....

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