Chapter 6

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The Dark Lord Unleashed

Anakin charged at Ahsoka and swung his light saber towards her head in rage, but she jumped over his saber and used the force to push him back slightly. Ahsoka threw her lightsaber at him and in an amazing show of skill, Anakin caught her saber and prepared to attack. She raised her other lightsaber in defense as he came closer, suddenly he attacked in a ferocity of strikes. She struggled to block all of them and he landed a few blows on her clothing, further pulling her to the dark side. "Now you will die," said Anakin coldly. He raised his sabers up to finish Ahsoka off, but she was too quick and landed a kick to his face. He flew back and she retrieved her saber and charged at Anakin, and landed a blow to his side. He grabbed her throat with his glove covered hand and began to choke her, she suddenly felt her throat muscles begin to fail and tighten from his grip. In a sudden burst of power she kicked him in his injured ribs and she fell to the ground coughing up blood. She looked up at Anakin, and he walked towards her, lightsaber in hand. She charged at him full speed and initiated another saber lock. She looked directly into his eyes and saw nothing but pain, suffering, anger and hatred. "Just die!!," yelled Ahsoka in pure rage. She pushed Anakin into the wall bringing the sabers closer to his face, he kneed her in the chest causing great pain. He used the force to grip her throat and throw her into the solid rock wall. The pain was so intense to her that she felt her ribs break, and she fell to the ground gripping her sides. She got up really weak and looked at Anakin and she saw he was nearing his limit as well. He began to walk towards her again, she limped towards him and attempted to slash at his stomach, but he twisted around her and grabbed her arms and slashed down. She felt a sudden extreme burning sensation and she looked down at her hands, to find out they weren't there anymore. She fell to her knees and looked up at Anakin, in her mind she failed the Felucians and herself. "Finish it, I don't deserve to live," said Ahsoka shakily holding back tears. Anakin lifted his lightsaber to strike her down and she closed her eyes and her tears flowed out. He swung his saber and immediately stopped before decapitating her, and deactivated his saber. She opened her eyes and looked up shocked at what the outcome was. "What is this?," asked Ahsoka confused. "I have some use for you Snips, your not going to escape me that easily," said Anakin. She bowed her head in acceptance since he defeated her in combat and brought her knee up. "The force is strong in you Snips, with more training and study you'll become someone to fear," said Anakin smirking. Ahsoka stayed quiet and let Anakin speak, while still retaining her dark side visage. "From this day forwards you shall be known as Darth Xina," announced Anakin. She smirked and opened her eyes which were still Sith yellow with red outline and looked at Anakin. "Thank you, my master".

To be continued in Chapter 7 "Master and Apprentice"
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May the force be with you all!

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