17.2|| The man behind the suit

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"If they did ask, I'm really curious what bullshit he served them. Maybe that I robbed a bank or something and he caught me and exposed me. He was always such a lousy liar. Lacked all imagination."

"What really happened then?"

Snitch Gravel looked at Tom as if considering if he was worth the answer. The more he kept quiet the more Tom was convinced that a sarcastic quip was coming instead of an answer.

"You know what?" Snitch Gravel finally said. "If you want to play this game, you should do it right. So I'm not going to tell you. You'll have to find out for yourself. Research, ask your miserable father, I don't care how you do it."

Tom's jaw dropped. "That's it? A game?"

"I thought that you of all people would appreciate a good game."

"I don't appreciate being hunted down to be killed," Tom replied, his voice rising with every word. "I don't appreciate being in this cage, under your control. And I sure as hell don't appreciate your smartass answers."

Snitch Gravel narrowed his eyes, looking like a tiger about to attack. "Good thing I don't give a shit, then. And I'd keep my big mouth shut if I were you."

Tom flinched. This conversation was going down in flames quickly and he had a vague feeling Snitch Gravel was pretty pissed.

"Anything else?" he asked, his tone more like a growl.

Tom pondered for a moment, trying to calm down and find something else relevant to ask. Like in a dream, he remembered Herrison telling them about Snitch Gravel and the agency. "Yeah. Why did you run out on the agency with the research files on the jewel project?"

A wave of utter shock swept Snitch Gravel's face. "You know about the jewel project?"

"We wrenched it out of Herrison," Tom said spitefully. He still felt like punching their coordinator for hiding that Angie was the agent.

"That idiot." Snitch Gravel huffed. "He has no idea what he's gotten himself into. Neither do you brats. And I didn't run off with the research files. They were mine, so I had every right to them."

"But why...?"

"Because I felt like it," Snitch Gravel snapped. "Why is it always 'why' with you? Grow up already! Not all people are alike. You're good, I'm evil, you're naïve, I know how things are, and you're an idiot while I'm brilliant."

"I'm an idiot," Tom said flatly, too surprised by Snitch Gravel's statement to say anything else. "And you're evil, just like that." He shook his head. "No. People aren't born evil. I might be naïve, but I will grow up. I'd rather be gullible than under the stupid impression that I know everything. For someone who claims to know how things are, you're a little naïve yourself."

"Oh yes, how could I forget? You know everything," Snitch Gravel said, rising on the chair's back legs and balancing on them.

"So what's the deal? Why did you leave the agency?"

"Because they wouldn't implement taco Tuesday."

Tom gritted his teeth. He'd never imagined he'd ever meet a bigger smartass than himself. "What do the jewels do? You must know."

Snitch Gravel froze and the chair dropped back on all fours with a bang that echoed through the room. "I guess you're not as stupid as you look," he finally said and seemed to be choosing his words carefully. "I'll be honest with you, I don't know. I only have a hunch. But if I'm right, I want those jewels more than anything."

Tom was tempted to ask what his hunch was, but since he didn't outright share it, he doubted he'd get an answer. Instead, he got to his feet, walked towards the cage door and pushed it open. "I didn't escape."

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