" Can't. Breath."

She lets go and immediately starts talking.

" How are you doing? Was it bad? Do you forgive him? He's a douche bag... Unless you still like him? Do you? "

She says all that in one breath and I struggle to answer all her questions.

" Woah Chris slow down! I'm doing well, it hurt a lot, I don't think I can forgive him, and I don't like him anymore. Oh yea and I agree, he is a douche bag "

She nods her head and says " How are you gonna tell him? "

I sigh cause I was wondering the same thing.

" I honestly don't know. I guess I'll just go with the flow. I'll ask a nurse to send him up."

She hugs me one last time then leaves. Four comes in. Oh boy, here we go.

" Four we need to talk-"

He cuts me off.

" I agree, we need to get Lauren back for tearing us apart!"

I can't believe it! That's it? He thinks I'll just forgive him like that?

" No that's not what we need to talk about! I'm not even that mad at Lauren. I'm just mad at you! You didn't trust me then that wasn't enough so you had to go and land me in the hospital! I wasn't sure I was gonna forgive you but now I know. Your dead to me. Never come near me you hear? Or so help me Four I will skin you alive and feed your innards to the lions! Get out, NOW! "

He looks at me in disbelief then storms out of the room. Well, that went well.

The doctor runs some more tests and things then says I can leave. Christina takes me home and I go to sleep immediately.

Time Lapse to Saturday morning.

The rest of the week was normal except for Four giving me the cold shoulder and me not caring. Shauna was also being weird all week. She would go really quiet whenever we talk about Four and she tends to disappear randomly.

So anyways I get up and look out my window at the woods. What I see shocks me.

Shauna and Four. Kissing. IN MY BACK YARD!

Four I expected but Shauna? I thought she was nice! I take a video and send it to Zeke saying " You might want to look at this " he responds quickly and our convo goes like this

Is this for real or are you just pulling some horrible prank? - Zeke

No o swear this is real! I'm so sorry Zeke, I thought Shauna was better then that - Tris

Ok I believe you. I'm just sad Shauna would betray us like that! - Zeke

Same. Do you want to come over and like 'recover' with me? - Tris

Sure! I'll be over in a sec- Zeke

I set my phone down start making popcorn. I grab drinks and a stack of movies. About 5 minutes later the doorbell rings.

I open the door and let Zeke in. We watch movies and eat popcorn. After a while he does that cheesy yawn thing where he puts his arm around me. I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder.

I look up to find him looking down at me. He searches my eyes and says

" Do you remember when I  admitted I like you.  you said that if things didn't work out for you and Four you would give me a chance? Well I was wondering... "

I know where this is going and I feel excitement going through me.

" Zekeybear Pedrad, I would love it if you would be my boyfriend "

His eyes light up and he kisses me. I feel sparks fly through my body. Not as much as it did with Four but he's gone and I will never take him back.

Our lips move In synchronization. I feel happy, safe. And for the first time. I'm glad Lauren took that video.

Hey dudes! Betcha weren't expecting that! Plus what's a fanfiction with a trip to hospital? Don't  be mad at me for making Treke happen. I still love Fourtris aka Tribious. I still have a lot more planned😈 Mwahahahaha!
~ Claire

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