Noah pulls me into him and helps me to my seat.

The priest says a couple things.

Kaiden, Uncle Drew and a couple of Mum and Dad's friends lift the caskets and walk out of the church.

The Agent is in her seat.

Noah turns to me. "Are you coming?"

"I'll be a minute."

Noah walks out with everyone.

Callie and I look at the Agent. She reaches into her purse and I pull my gun out and aim it at her.

She frowns. "What are you doing?"

"I'm prepared for whatever your about to pull out of that bag of yours."

She laughs. "You're more paranoid than your father."

I smile. "Do you blame me? I just learnt today that my father was in the CIA and that maybe my recruitment had more to do with my father than me."

She gives me a piece of paper. "You can put your gun away. This piece of paper has the addresses of David's hide-outs."

I put the gun back in my handbag. "Thank you. How did you get all these addresses?"

"He left a stack of things in his office and I wanted to be the one to give it to his daughter."

I follow the Agent to her car. Callie walks a few feet behind me.

At the car the lady gives me a box. "Thanks." I head to my car.

A gunshot rings out and I turn to the Agent. She looks at me and falls to the ground. She has a bullet hole in her chest. I turn to Callie and she has her gun out.

Callie puts the gun in her bag. "She was going to shoot you."

I see the gun on the ground next to her. I drop the box on the ground and then I hear a ticking noise in the box. "RUN!" I yell.

Callie and I run from the box.

There's an explosion and I'm thrown in the air.

"Amelia!" Noah and Kaiden yell.

I land on my back hard. The wind gets knocked out me. Callie, Kaiden and Noah are all standing over me.

I look at Callie. "Can you call Jaden?"

Callie pulls her phone out and calls Jaden.


I don't get to see the burial of my parents. I'm lying on the bed in the hotel; waiting to see Jaden.

There's a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Noah says.

I roll my eyes. "Even if I wanted to answer the door I'm sure you'd restrain me."

"Ha, ha, ha." he opens the door. "Hey, Jaden."

Jaden walks into the room. "Where's my favourite patient?"

"In bed, where my fiancé wants me."

Jaden laughs. "You're lucky I carry a portable ultrasound machine. Amelia, I'm going to have to put you on bed rest if you keep running around and putting your life in danger."

"I'm not the one putting my life in danger. Someone is doing this to me. When I find them I'll be sending them to meet their maker."

Noah shakes his head. "You're still set on making people pay? Can you at least wait until after the twins are born?"

"Fine, after that I will make everyone that's after me pay. Starting with Jayson Lane and whoever he works with."

Jaden gives me the ultrasound. "Amelia, everything seems clear on the ultrasound. You're very lucky. You should let Callie and her boyfriend in. He seems annoyed that he has to wait in the hall."

I smile. "Can you let them in?"

Noah opens the door.

My brother and Callie walk into the room.

Kaiden sits on the bed next to me. "I just got you in my life, Amelia and you nearly died, twice. On the day of our parents funeral. One of these days you're not going to be lucky."

I'm going to be lucky with Callie by my side.


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