Part 36: Light and Death

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It wasn't a secret that Don hated his family. So lately, with his brother and sister gone and his father's poor health limiting their interaction, Don Monatheon had never been happier. Especially with Callie around.

"Look! Don you have to come see this!" she laughed and took his hand. She always ran too fast so he tripped everywhere but he didn't mind.

"What is it?" he mumbled.

"I found something incredible." Her hair whipped him in the face but he didn't mind too much. "You're going to love it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I am all knowing."

"Is that so?"

"Of course!" Callie beamed at him and pulled him around the corner of the corridor. Castle Rock was something he knew every inch of. His only refuge from his family was the nooks and crannies they were too thick headed to find. There was no way Callie had found something he didn't know about. She lead him up the west tower, they climbed the winding staircase until they were both out of breath at the top of it. A wooden panel lay over their heads forming a blockade between them and the very top of the tower. Callie tapped on it three times and it melted away to reveal the rest of the tower. She grinned at him and climbed up.

Don followed close behind. He could remember the first time he found this place. He had been five years old. Blaxton was being particularly annoying. He kept jumping out from corners at Don and scaring him. It looked the same as always. The large glass window overlooked the open fields of the North. The snow wasn't as thick here anymore. Summer was on the way.

Callie stood in the middle of the room and spread her hands wide, proud of her discovery.

"Have you ever seen anything so wonderful, Don?"

He shook his head vigorously. "It's amazing up here. How did you find it?"

She just smiled and winked at him. Don couldn't help smiling back at her, not a big smile mind you, just a small one. She twirled around with her chin lifted to the heavens. A laugh escaped her lips and Don found himself asking why she was so happy.

"Because it's brilliant."  Callie grinned and took both his hands in hers. "It's all so brilliant here, Don."

"I don't get it. What's so great about this place?"



"You're incredible Don. I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done for me. You've got the best heart, I hope you know that." She kissed his cheek and Don kept his eyes on the floor and watched as a small spider crawling along the wooden panels. "Don, look at me."

He couldn't do it. "You're going to leave me one day aren't you."

Callie frowned, he could tell she was frowning without even looking at her. "What makes you say that?"

"I just know it."

"Don Monatheon. I will stay in Castle Rock for as long as you want me to. I promise you. I won't leave you."

"Swear it."

"I swear by all three gods," her hands squeezed his gently. "I am not leaving you."


They stood in that secret tower until the sun filled the room with a golden light that bounced around the walls. The beams of light illuminated how dusty it really was up here and, feeling grossed out, Don insisted they leave immediately.

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