Part 28: A Toast to the Young Wolf

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A/N hey everyone! Thanks for still reading and being amazing with all your votes and comments! I appreciate them so much! For those of you who don't know, I've started working on another book called the Secrets of Amelia Merlin. I highly recommend you read it! It talks about the meaning behind a lot of things and reveals aspects of the story you can't find out unless you read it! I think it's pretty cool and it puts an interesting twist to the original story! Check it out!

Davyd loved his new job. Isaac, the giant man, was nice. The food was less disgusting than what he had before and the ugly man who everyone called the Crow was not as mean as he pretended to be. He had even given Davyd a slingshot that he could hit people with if they tried to hurt him. But most people just didn't notice Davyd. He was like a shadow, that's what the ugly man always said. A shadow against the wall.

Davyd always brought back the most money out of all the other children that worked for the ugly man. He was the best and the giant man liked him most. He always ruffled Davyd's head and called him kid. 

"Hey kid." He would say when Davyd walked over to him with his bag full of coins. "What you got for me today?" Then he would ruffle his hair and tell him what a good kid he was. Nobody had ever told him he was a good kid. Davyd was the happiest he had ever been. He never remembered being happy before this. Davyd loved the giant man. The giant man was his favourite person in the world.


Isaac liked the little slave boy a lot too. He was smaller than most of them, and his brown skin blended well with the walls of Okamila. People never noticed him. Isaac had been shit at pick pocketing as he grew up. He was too clunky and big, everyone saw him coming. His size had come in handy as he grew up though. He was now the Crow's personal body guard which was as good as it got in this business.

Today they had been summoned to the castle. Kenrick Lattantio, the self-righteous asshole needed something from them. So Isaac and the Crow made their way up to the castle. The streets stank and slaves lined the walls of the market square. It was a good season for the slave trade, probably the best year they'd had, Kenrick made sure if that. The beige walls were still stained with blood from the fight that had broken out the other week between the slaves and the masters. Isaac remembered having to step in and pull some crazy bitch off her master. That was the day he found Davyd. He probably should've returned the boy to his master but he didn't care. The kid was damn useful.

The guards reluctantly let them into the castle. They looked Isaac up and down and demanded to search him. Of course he had brought weapons with him but the guards didn't find most of them. They didn't know where to look. Isaac didn't like it here. It felt to pretentious for his liking. He hated the high ceilings and the paintings and the gold that lines everything. It was horrible and so bloody clean all the time. The Crow hated it too, Isaac could tell that much. Together they walked uncomfortably until they reached the council chamber. It was a decent sized room with columns along the side and one large table in the middle with large wooden chairs. Isaac always found it hilarious that the Crow had a place on the council, considering he was the biggest crime lord in Okamila. But Kenrick Lattantio didn't care about who was morally right or wrong, he did whatever he had to to ensure his family name continued to instil fear whenever it was mentioned. Which it damn well did. 

Kenrick sat at the head of the council table, the rest of the group was not in attendance. The Crow sat down at the opposite end of the table and Isaac stood behind him with his arms behind his back. This was the way the Crow had taught him to stand so he looked intimidating but not aggressive. Everything had to be carefully calculated when dealing with Kenrick Lattantio, the most powerful man in Kalishterya.

"We have an issue." Kenrick said. Isaac hated the way he talked, clipping all his words and hardly moving his lips. It made him look like a painting.

"We have many issues. Which one are we addressing today?" the Crow spread his hands, that were covered in dirt, amiably.

"These damn slaves." Kenrick glared at him. "That little riot of theirs has gone to their heads. More and more of them are attacking their masters each day. They're rallying together. In a month we will have a full on revolt."

"How terrible!" The Crow shuddered and Isaac couldn't help smirking behind his back. "What can I do for you?"

"Get your men on it." Lord Kenrick stood up and walked over to the window. "We can't have our city divided. Not when the Girl Queen's army is nearly at our door."

"I couldn't agree more." The Crow bowed his head graciously. "I'll fix it."

"You better."


In a small basement room, underneath one of the great houses, a hoard of slaves were gathered together. In the dim, oscillating candlelight they whispered to one another.

"Now is the time."

"The Girl Queen is coming!"

"The Young Wolf will save us."

"She is the one who was promised."

"She will free us."

"She will bring back magic."

"I pray to the Three that they keep the Young Wolf safe from harm."

"She will save us."

"The Young Wolf will save us."

In the dying light of the dingy basement, slaves raised non existent glasses to the Young Wolf as they called her. They prayed for the return of the Merlin dynasty and the crowning of the Girl Queen. 

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