Day Out with the Dog.

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I woke from my dreamless slumber. All I could remember was falling asleep with Yagura. I guess maybe he carried me back here. He was different from most people. He was almost like Naruto. Almost.

They are both Jinchūriki, both sweet, but I don't know how funny he is. Because Naruto can really make a person laugh.

"Atori!" Hinata came in my room. "I'm so glad you're okay. We spent hours looking for you and Yagura last night." She said quietly.

Hours looking for us? All I can remember me being tired and him being wide awake. I guess he fell asleep too.

"How many hours?"

"Three or four." She said again, still quiet.

"Geez." I was surprised. "How did you guys find us?" I asked. "We didn't he brought you back to the village." She said and I let my breath go. I didn't want them to see the position we were in. "Oh." I bluntly put out.

It fell silent in the room. I slowly got out of my bed and searched for my bag. "It's over by the front door." Hinata said. I nodded my thanks and started to undo my braid, my wavy waist length soft back hair falling down my back and over my shoulders. "Water style; ice reflection." I said and out came an ice mirror. My hair looked shiny. I walked away and the mirror disintegrated. I walked out of my room, only finding Kakashi and Yagura sitting on the couch.

I only shook, smirked and walked to the front door, grabbed my bag, then left into my room.

"Am I rooming with boys?" I asked.

"Well, Tenten, Lee, and Neji requested a room to themselves, but then Yagura said he could only give us two rooms, and Shikamaru, Choji, and Inu offered to room with them." She paused, "I was so glad to know that I'd be rooming with you." She put out there. "Is Akumaru here, too?" I asked, and she nodded. "I see." I took out a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste and walked into the bathroom.

A moment later, I emerged from the bathroom. "I'm going to take a personal tour of the house, wanna come?" She knew what I meant "I would, but I can't. I've gotta get back to Kakashi." She said. "Okay." We both came out my room. I quietly went to the first door. I quietly opened to reveal a wide awake Naruto. "Atori!" He sprang out of his bed and I slammed the door shut, causing Naruto to slam into it, and make a loud bang.

They all looked up at me and I gave a nervous chuckle, "What?" I said like nothing happened. Kakashi sighed and was going to say something them shook his head and returned back to what he was doing.

Next door.

I opened the next door down, only to reveal Shino messing my his... Bugs.

Ewww. I thought. Next. Across the hall. I opened the door and this I me it revealed Kiba. Finally!

I ran into his bedroom. "Kiba!" I squealed and pounced on him. He still sleeping. Perfect wake up call. "Ow!" He yelled. "Where's Aku-"

Akumaru pounced on me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He started to lick my face. "Hey buddy!" I said and started to scratch behind his ears.

He barked at me, "Kiba! Can I take him out? He say she wants too! Please?!" I can talk to animals. What? I'm a ninja!

"Fine. But nothin like last time."

"Fine. You ruin all the fun." Last time I took Akumaru, we pretty much destroyed the village. I had fed him some sugar and Ramen. He went on a rampage.

But he only sighed and shook head and covered himself up with the covers. "Come Akumaru!" I said and left room, slamming the door behind me. I walked into my room, Akumaru behind me. I grabbed my weapon pouch, tied it around my leg. Then I grabbed my Forehead Protector and tied it around my upper arm.

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