A mission...for three weeks.

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I got up about an hour before I got up Kuru.

"Get up, sleepy head. You're going to be late." He shot up and ran into his room to get dressed. I giggled. I was ready, and I was just waiting.

About 30 minutes later, he came out, "Ready!" I cocked an eyebrow, "Teeth brushed?"


"Socks and shoes."

"Oh yeah!" He ran back into his room, then came out, fully dressed. "Alright, let's go." We walked out of the house and I grabbed his hand.

We walked while talking and joking around. Then we reached the academy, "My little man is growing up isn't he? I almost wanna cry." I was being serious. "Oh come on. Man up. You never know, I could end up hating the place, and never want to come back." I chuckled.

"Or you could end up loving the place and never want to come home." I paused,
"But I loved this place. Seeing you go makes me want to come back."

He laughed, "Now who's little?" I soon joined in laughing with him. "Okay Kuru, Mama and Dad are watch you, so be good. And I will be too."

He nodded. "Yes ma'am." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he sent himself on his way.

I got up and felt a pair of eyes on me, I turned around to see Naruto looking at me, "Sometimes I wonder if your brother is actually older." I growled at him. "Shut up. You love him to and you know it." He smiled, "Of course I do."

"Let's go, don't want to be late." I said, he nodded and we walked together in silents.

About 10 minutes later, we were in front of the Hokage door. "Alright, you ready?" I nodded toward him. We walked into the room, all eyes on us. "Looks like we're that last ones here." I whispered to Naruto. "Guess so."

"Naruto, Atori, so glad you decided to join us. Finally. Any excuses?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm sorry we're late, I was dropping off my little brother for his first day at the Academy."

She nodded understandingly, "Naruto, what's your excuse?"

"Uhh, well, you see-"

"He was with me, you see, which explains why we were together when we walked in."

She nodded, "Alright then, now that everyone is here." I zoned out some, thinking about anything else other then what lady fifth had to say.

Hinata, Neji, Kiba, Lee, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, Yagura, his father, Naruto, and I were here. Why such a big team, and why so many sensory types? Neji, Hinata, Kiba, Kakashi, and I were sensory types.

I was also thinking about the fact that two ginormous chakras were in the same room right now. They gave me a head ache, And they gave me a bad one. I cringed a little from the pain. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head around to see Kakashi looking down at me.

His eyes was reassuring, that he was feeling the chakras too. I nodded and took a breath.

"Now, everybody understand? This'll last for at least three weeks, the Mizukage and I have already made a plan talked out the details."

When she said Mizukage, she gestured her had towards Yagura. Wait is he the--

"Atori. Atori. Atori."


"Everyone has left, Kakashi Sensei said to meet him on the training field. He left before us, so we need to go." Naruto said. I nodded. "Okay." I looked at the Mizukage, and then at the Hokage, they were both deep in conversation. Then Yagura's eyes flickered over to me. The same eyes watching me earlier.

I move towards the door. Then I sprinted down the hallway, out of the door, across the rooftops and made it there in the nick of time. "Score!" I threw my hands up. "Sasuke, how long was that?" His eyes were closed. "Sasuke." No answer. "Sasuke." "Sas-"

"What?" He asked, annoyed. "How long was that?"

"Heck if I know."

"Thanks, you're such great help." I said and he huffed at me.

"It was shorter then last time, I know that for sure," this time, it was Sakura talking. I looked at her, "That's good."

She nodded her head. I don't particularly like Sakura or Inu, with any luck, Naruto will end up not liking Sakura, and end up with at least Hinata. Oh what an adorable couple!

I grinned to myself, "Atori, why're you grinning to your self?" Naruto asked. "No reason." He studied me, "Well okay then."


We were about there for about another hour, "Where is he?!" Sakura said, pacing back and forth. She really got on my nerves. She's so rude to Naruto. She's obsessed with Sasuke, and doesn't appreciate anything any of us do for her or the team. She is always putting herself down, when all she does is just stand there, and doesn't try to make an effort. Most of the time.

Right at that moment, Kakashi appeared, causing Sakura and Naruto to go off on him, and me and Sasuke stand there, eyes closed, arms crossed, resting up against a tree.

Sasuke and I have had a good relationship, I'm the only one that can get away with all the crap I throw at him. I smiled, "Hey Sasuke, what is going on? I zoned out in Tsunade's office."

"I could tell. It's a bad habit you have." He was right. It's a habit. "But Kakashi Sensei will explain it, looks like he's done with getting the lectures." I looked up to see Kakashi fixing his collar, to which Sakura had ruined while shaking him bag and forth like a rag-doll.

Sasuke and I walked over to Kakashi Sensei, and then he began talking.

"Now, Lady Tsunade has chose us, out of all of the other Shinobi, to go on this mission."
Way to make us feel like we have no weight on our shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, and Kakashi continued, "You all know that we're leaving soon to go to the Hidden Mist Village, but for 5 weeks, two of which, will be spent on getting there, and getting back. But what Lady Fifth didn't tell you, was that The Mizukage has had several reports on some traitors and thieves. Mostly traitors. We're going there to investigate, watch, and help with any trouble or assistance needed necessary." He paused and took a breath, "Questions?"

No one said anything, then he proceeded, "We leave tomorrow at dawn." He paused again, "Dismissed."

And with that, he jumped away, leaving us there to walk home. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and I all walked home, we came to a stop at Naruto's door, "Goodnight, see tomorrow!" I said and walked away, leaving only me, Sasuke, and Sakura. The whole time, she had hearts for eyes and every other word she said was Sasuke. She was really pushing it.

"Sasuke, you acted so cool today!"

"Sasuke, you look good in your clothes today." Now she was just looking for attention. I mean, come on he wears that everyday.

"Sasuke, did you-"

"Sakura... Shut up!" She looked a little intimidated and shut herself up. The after a moment, she opened her mouth, "Who're you to tell me to shut up? Last time I checked, you weren't In charge."

I cocked an eyebrow, "I never said I was, but last I checked, I knew when to stop talking. I think its time for you to learn how to do the same."

She opened her mouth again, but shut it when I got next to Sasuke, and whispered something in his ear. He only huffed, but if it would make her shut up, he would anything.

I got behind him, and jumped onto his back, after I did that, I wasn't trying to make Sakura jealous anymore, nope. I really got tired and didn't feel like walking anymore, but I could feel Sakura's jealous stare on my back, as she walked behind us.

Soon after, we arrived at her house. Sasuke didn't stop walking like he did for Naruto or for he will do for me. He didn't live far from my house. Only a couple of houses away, so we were always headed in the same direction.


I personally, did not care for Sakura or Inu, or any of my fan girls. They only got on my nerves. I actually didn't really like any girl or boy. I didn't need friends.

But Naruto and Atori made me feel otherwise. Sure, I don't show it, but I can always think it.

But the fact that Atori doesn't like Sakura or Inu anymore then I do, only made me like her more. As a friend or sister Of course. The fact that she made Sakura shut up today was a miracle. Everyone knew not to mess with her. Her Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Kekkei Kenkai, only make her more and more... Well, intimidating and serious...

Though, she was clumsy, loud, always giggling, really ticklish<<her biggest weakness>>, sometimes annoying, and kind of a klutz, only made her more and more my friend and Naruto's.

We were just walking passed Sakura's place and she was still on my back, "Atori." No answer. "Atori." Still no answer. "Ato-" I heard the steady, sleeping breaths, and new she was sleeping. I shook my head. It's still early in the evening. How could she still be sleeping?

I thought to myself. I went by her house, and snuck her in through an open window, considering the facts I didn't have a key.

I lay her down in her soft, comfy sheets, then covered her up with her comforter. I stayed and looked down at her, thinking of ways to mess with her tomorrow. She hates it when I just reply with a huff or a hmph. But I do it because I do not care what anyone has to say. I do it because no matter what she says, or what I say, I still barely care. I do care for her, I do. But not for what stupid things she has to say.

I left through the window.


I woke up sometime in the early evening, rushing out of my bed to go pick up Kuru. I rushed to his school, waiting for his class to get out.

I realized I had gotten here to early, and went on a walk around the school. I soon came to a stop in front of the swing, the swing that I had first met Naruto on.


I was happy that I had graduated, just not happy that I couldn't tell any close family members. I walked around, looking At everyone who's parents had joined in with their celebration. I looked around, watching for something to do. I had Graduated second in my class, Sakura being the close third.

I looked around, when I found a boy sitting on a swing, staring at people. "Is that the boy?" A girl asked, "Shh! You know our parents told us not to talk about him." Her friend replied, "It's kind of weird, but, we don't really have any reason to hate him." The girl said. "I know, but still. What our parents say, goes."
Her friend replied and the girl took a breath, "I guess." Then they both walked away, carrying on with their lives as if they had never said anything.

But I walked over to him, "Naruto, is it? How come you're sitting here all alone?" He looked up at me, then looked at my right upper arm, to which my Genine head band was tied around.

"Because I didn't pass." He mumbled so that I could barely hear. "Why does everyone think wrongly of you?" I asked.

"Beats me. They've always looked down on me with those eyes. Eyes that showed hate towards me." I sighed. "Well, I'm not like that. I don't have anyone to tell me what to do. Only my little brother."

I sighed, forcing back the tears that begged to escape my throat, "Where are your parents?" I asked him. "They died when I was born."

"Oh. Mine died and couple years back." I sighed again, the it got quiet. "Ahem. Atori, may I have a moment with Naruto?" I turned to see Mizuki Sensei with his smiling face. His little two faced self.
I hesitated, but hid it. "Uh, yeah sure." He nodded his thanks and I got up off the ground and left.

After I was away from them, I turned to see that the swing was swinging, but it was empty. And Naruto and Mizuki were gone...


I frowned upon Mizuki. I always knew that something was wrong with him. Hiding his hate for Naruto behind his fake smiles. Shame on him. Shame on anyone that acted as if it was Naruto's fault that the village was attacked. 13 years ago. But I thank Iruka. He was Naruto's first friend, then me, then team seven. Then all of us. We all were with Naruto no matter what, and we always will be. We don't shun him, we protect him. Because one day, we all know something will happen. And not just him, but to all the other Biju. And we'll all be with each other, and not against each other.

I walked on a little more, playing through all of the memories that happened at the academy. I wasn't much of a people person. I was always quiet. Always in a corner. Always jealous of those who had two parents.

But I guess you could say that a lot has changed since I became a Genine, a year ago. I'm always loud, always laughing, always out in the open, always klutzy or clumsy, never being able to sneak past anyone.

But I'm good at lying and keeping secrets. I'm usually not that serious at training, but when battle comes, there's no telling what I'll do to you. I could turn you inside out for all you and I both know.

I soon found myself back at the entrance of the academy, and the kids started getting out of their classes. I smiled and waved at Kuru. He ran up to me and hugged my knees. "Hey! How was your first day?"I asked. He smiled really big, "Yes! It was a little boring at first, then Sensei explained to us all of the stuff that we'll be doing. He even told us about a class he had a year ago, y'know? The one with you, Sasuke, and Naruto?"

I chuckled, "Of Course I know, silly!" We both laughed. "So, whose class are you in this year?" I asked, wanting to know if he had my Sensei, "Iruka." He replied.

I expected as much. Putting a brother, of different age, in the same classes.

I smiled, "And I told him that we're brother and sister and then he told me that you graduated second in our class, then he told me, in private, that he expects great things from me, and that by being your little brother, that I probably will graduate first or second in class. But that just him."

We were already to our house, "That's sound great!"

"And then, I made a new friend. His name is Konahamaru. He was the third Hokages grandson." I felt my heart break. "I know who he is." Kuru looked at me, confused, "He was one of the three kids hat I would sometimes mention, he-- he is like Naruto, In a way. Just looking for attention." I looked up at the clouds, like the way Shikamaru does when he is thinking or just bored. But his time, I was just thinking. I thought about Konahamaru. He didn't know his parents, no one did. No one except Asuma Sensei and Lord Third. They died when he was to young to remember them. "I knew his name sounded familiar!" I giggled, "It's him."

I felt my heartbreak again, I liked Konahamaru like another brother, no one was out going as him, only Naruto. Konahamaru loved Naruto. Declaring him his enemy, calling him Brother Naruto, trying to excel him and master everything Naruto knows and does. I remember the way he was when he lost one of the only family members he had left.

"Hey, Kuru," we were inside now, "Tomorrow, I'm leaving for a few weeks, on mission. you'll be staying with Either Hosagi or Konahamaru tomorrow after school, you can pick."

Kuru's happy face turned into a frown, "How come? why do you have to leave that long?"

His lip started to quiver and I kneeled down to his hight, "It's all right. The time will fly by. You won't even notice I'm gone. I mean, just think, you'll have a little more freedom then when I'm here." I said with a smile, "But, you must always respect and listen to their rules. Remember, you are a guest." He nodded. "Fine. But one day, when we both are ninja, and i have to go on a really long mission, don't cry to me telling me how much you want me to stay." I giggled. His cheeks were puffed up like bubbles and his eyes were frowning at me reminded me off Sasuke. Kind of.

"So, who's it going to be?" He thought for a moment. "Konahamaru. Because he nice. Hosagi is just creepy." I nodded, "Okay, go pack clothes that'll last for a few weeks, and anything else that you'll need." I said. "Okay." He replied.

After that, I went into my room. I looked in the little bowl I keep some stuff in. things like Kunai, Shuriken, and my dads' ring, that will one day be Kuru's. I smiled, knowing that even though they are both gone, they still live on. In our hearts and in their names.

"Kuru, come on! You almost ready?" I yelled. "Yes!" He yelled back. He rushed out into our living room, dropping stuff on the way. I still have to ask if Konahamaru will let him stay over there I thought. I sighed. I really hoped he said yes.

"Alright, c'mon." I said and walked out the door as he followed.


We were at his front door and before I could even knock, Konahamaru swung open the door, grabbed Kuru, and shut it. Well I guess that was a yes. I started to turn around and walk away when the door came swinging back open. I felt tiny hands grab my knees again. "See you later, little guy." He always hated that name. "Bye, Ney-San." He et go and disappeared behind the door again.

I giggled and left, going back to my house to start packing.


I got back, and not who I wanted to see was there. But I didn't mind it. What I wanted to was how he got past our gates and guards. I shrugged it off. "Itachi?" I asked, a little surprised.

"What are you doing here? Your chakra is out of control. I could sense you from a mile away."

He was quiet for a while, "Mm? Oh, I had to raise my chakra just enough to successfully get in here without drawing any attention." I nodded my head. "And the cloak? I think that'll give you away." He was quiet again. His voice was still cold and emotionless. Still... Itachi.

But not the nice, brotherly one, no. But the traitorous, cold blooded one, yes.

He lowered it again and now I could barely feel it, "Well, what'er you doing here?" I asked. "I came to warn you." Me? For what? "The Akatsuki are moving in the same direction, so don't be surprised if we meet, you're not strong enough to take us on." kill me now. "Uh. Okay?"

"So, why are you really here?" I asked, knowing that he didn't just come to warn me. "It's about Sasu-" I held out a hand, telling him to shut up.

"What about him?" I asked, suspiciously. "Just watch him carefully. Very carefully." I cocked an eyebrow. "Sure. Now leave. I've gotta get packing." He sighed. "I don't blame you for hating me."

I ignored him. "And I'm not asking you to make a choice right this instant, but, I hope you could some how find it in your heart to forgive me." He paused, "And Sasuke too." I stood there, mouth open.

Then, just like that, he was gone. I felt tears sting my eyes. Itachi... I already have... And I know that deep down, Sasuke has too.

I sniffed, holding the lump in my throat. I heard a knock at the door.I rolled my eyes. What now? I walked tiredly to the door. I opened it to reveal "Hinata?" I was confused. "Oh, Atori, I was just making sure everything was alright." She said with her soft, caressing voice. "Yeah, everything is fine." I said leaving the door, so she could come in.

"Is everything okay with you?" I asked. She blushed, "Yes. Yes. Of course." She said waving her hands in front of her. I looked at her suspiciously with a smile.

Then a few seconds later, she gave in. "Okay, okay. I'm worried."

"About what? Naruto?"

"Yes! I mean, we'll be together for 3 weeks. And you know how I get."

"Well you won't be alone. You'll have the rest of us. You'll have me." I said, giggling.

"Well that's always a good thing. Well I should be going. I don't want to keep you. We've got to get up early tomorrow, you know." I nodded. "Well goodnight Hinata." I said and walked her to the door, waved her off, and slumped off to bed.

Great. I hope this goes by quickly.

And soon enough, darkness conquered me.

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