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The next day.... ( Saturday )

Tiffany's phone rings.

Tiffany ( sleepily ): Yoboseyo?

Taeyeon: Fany-ah? Are you awake yet?

Tiffany: Aniyo, still asleep... I went to sleep at 4 in the morning. Sica insisted on trying on every dress in every store last night. Then, we went for supper where Sica ate practically every thing there was to eat. Then, she couldn't sleep, so I had to stay up and play game with her until 4 o clock. Did I mention that she happened to be crunching loudly on all of the snacks in the house while she played game? I couldn't even pretend to play while I slept.

Taeyeon: Aigoo... I was gonna see if you wanted to go out for breakfast, but maybe you should stay in. I'll bring you lunch, okay? Call me when you wake up.

Tiffany: Jal jja...

Taeyeon ( laughs ): Sweet dreams


Taeyeon went to buy Tiffany lunch, then decided she would make it for her instead. She went to the supermarket and picked up all the ingredients needed for lunch. Then she went up to Fany's place.

The door buzzed and Jessica answered it.

Jessica ( energetically ): Annyeong Taeyeon! Fany is still asleep.

Taeyeon ( sarcastically ): Yea, thanks for tiring her out last night.

Jessica: Hey, I've had just as much sleep as her and I'm not tired. Don't blame me.

Taeyeon: Don't get defensive on me. Where's the kitchen? I'm gonna make my sweetie lunch.

Jessica: You're so romantic that its disgusting. If I had eaten breakfast at all this morning, I would throw up.

Taeyeon: Oh yea? I heard you sampled everything last night and ate chips until 4...

Jessica ( winces ): Fany told, didn't she.

Taeyeon, Not answering, finds the kitchen on her own and cooks.

The aroma woke Tiffany.

Tiffany ( yawning ) walks into the kitchen: Yah.. Sica, since when you know how to cook other dishes beside tuna sandwich?

Taeyeon: Since I've been your girlfriend. Good morning sleepy head. Or should I say "good afternoon"

Tiffany ( eye-smile ): Oh ,Annyeong Taetae!! I thought you were getting takeout?

Taeyeon: I thought you might love me more if I cooked it for you.

Tiffany: I could never love you any more than I do now.

Jessica walks in and make a fake puke: You two are gross. Now where's my portion of lunch?

Taeyeon: Who said you were gonna get any?

Jessica: Oh, sure, Fany gets lunch but the person who played cupid for you two doesn't get squat. (sarcastically ) that's real fair...

Tiffany: Taetae.. She did put us together...

Taeyeon: Araso... But next time don't keep Fany out so late. We have to go to a party tonight.

Jessica: Dae, but am I invited? Are there hot girls? I need a girlfriend too ( pout ). You know, the least you could do is return the favor.

Taeyeon: Araso, You can tag along with me and Fany. But you can't interfere us.

Jessica: I solemnly swear.


Tiffany, Taeyeon and Jessica had finished for lunch. And immediately afterwards, Tiffany grabbed her dress and makeup from her room and ran into the bathroom.

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