I don't cry. (Oikawa Tooru)

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Lol tbh idk if this is good but i love the idea of it. If you read the extended ending, its just a joke ending kinda to add to the pettiness at the end.


Your relationship was going strong with Oikawa.

You dated at the beginning of your second year at Aoba Johsai, and were the cutest couple.

He treated you like a princess, maybe even a queen.

Sweet dates, hugs, kisses, cuddles, late night texting and more. Everything a girl could want in a relationship.

And yet, where did you go wrong?

It began with him being late for a date. You waited for a straight 3 hours before going home.

He apologized, you made up.

No big deal.

And then all was well again. For about a week.

History was repeated, he was late for a date, stood you up a lot, you fought, you cried, he apologized, you kiss, you make up and repeat.

And finally, in your third year, Oikawa broke up with you.

The words "Let's break up" never hurt more.

"W-what?" You asked, with tears in your eyes.

"Did I stutter? It isn't working out." Oikawa answered coldly, before turning on his heel and walking away.

You knees wobbled and tears streamed down your face.

But you did not fall.


Yes, you cried yourself to sleep that night.

And then you skipped school the next day. Slept, ate chocolate ice cream, listened to sad music and watched sad movies.

And then you had an idea.

You've never thought of something smarter in your life!

You grinned to yourself and set your alarm for 5 am, and went to sleep extra early.

Can't have bags under my eyes, after all.


The dim light of the sun seeped through your window, and the soft beeping noise of your alarm woke you up.

You sat up and stretched with a smile on your face.

Can't wait to get to school!

You rushed to the bathroom, and washed your face.

You had about 2 and a half hours to get yourself ready for school to get some revenge.


Oikawa waited in front of the school under a cherry blossom tree.

Iwa-chan sure is taking a while...

Oikawa was early at school for once in his life.

He was minding his own business, quite liking the silence without his fangirls buzzing around him.

And then it hit him.

You walked in school like a boss.

Strutting down the pathway, with hair flowing and the right amount of make up to look bomb and flawless as hell, you didn't even spare your ex a glance. Your smirked internally knowing that you were perfect.

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