Chapter 4 - The Elden

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if that's the best idea," I said warily. He looked like he was about to take a swig.

"Yeah, man, what if it's the poison for the darts?" asked Drew, gently prying it away from Geoff's reluctant fingers.

"Yeah, let's have Clint try it first," joked Cubby. We all laughed.

Just then a scream came out from behind us.

"Look!" yelled a small girl.

We looked up and in the sky was the largest eagle I had ever seen. It was several times bigger than any bald eagle I had observed at our lake house in northern Idaho. It flew over us in a wide arc, then dove down and let out the loudest and most terrible screech. We all ducked, and it barely missed us with its talons.

"Grab a spear!" yelled Drew, running to grab one of the spears he had made. They were stuck in the ground about twenty feet way.

The eagle shot back up into the sky, then dove down again before Drew could get back. This time, he snatched up the little man by his talons, still flapping its wide-spanning wings as it tried to take him up in the air. Jack quickly grabbed the little man's legs while Cubby held on to the end of the rope. Between the two of them, they were able to pull the little man back down, causing the bird to let go, screech, and fly away.

"Get outta here!" yelled Geoff as he waved his arms and swung a stick at the giant bird.

Then, as fast as it had come, it was gone, screeching the entire time, flying up and over our lookout tower before disappearing into the clouds above. By this time, Drew was back with several spears. We all watched as this monster of an eagle came back and circled above us a few more times. It was jet black with white speckled dots on its belly, and bright blue streaks going across its back and a blue beak. After about a minute of circling us, it disappeared once more into the clouds.

"What was that?" screamed Geoff, unable to hide the panic in his voice. "I've been around eagles all my life in Alaska and I've never seen one that big."

"I'm telling you guys, something is really wrong with this place. These animals are not normal," said Aly as she frantically searched the sky. She bent down a bit, protecting her head as if it was still flying around.

"All I know is that bird is like nothing I've ever seen," said Drew. "I don't even know anymore...It was massive, and had a blue beak." He looked up at the sky as if hoping to get one last look.

"What are we gonna do?" Aly asked in a panic. "Where are we? What's happening? We're going to die out here aren't we?" She broke down crying.

"No!" snapped Cubby. "I'm getting back to my family. As are you. Calm down. It's going to be okay, Aly."

"Easy for you to say, my parents are dead!" she spat back at him. No one knew what to say to that.

"Where are you from? How far is your village? Do you speak English? Parlez-vous Francais? Hablas Espanol?" Jack frustratingly questioned our little captive who was now back on the ground. He said nothing as he continued to look upwards.

"Let's get some of the others to come over and see if he might speak any of their languages," I suggested.

We didn't get far in our interrogation of the little man. He stopped talking to us in his strange tongue, and just laid there in silence all day long. What a strange man, I thought to myself. I was fascinated by how strange he was and couldn't stop staring. He was tiny, smaller than any man I had ever seen. He had sharp features with a long prominent nose and thin dark red lips.

"Gopa ma," he suddenly blurted when he noticed me studying him. He nodded his head towards his belongings. I picked up the flask, and he shook his head like he meant yes while smiling at me, revealing a mouth of many missing teeth. He pulled his head back, trying to signal for me to come closer. I walked cautiously towards him, hoping he would explain some of the markings. As I got closer he leaned his head back again, this time opening his mouth wide. I smiled at him, realizing he wanted me to give him a drink. I could see him smiling back through his open mouth as I poured in a few drops. He drank it down, closing his lips and displaying a thankful and satisfied smirk.

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