You and Me Finally

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So this story is based on the Lost Girl show after season 4, but without the abduction of Bo by the Wanderer.  It doesn't follow the series exactly.  Lauren still went to the dark, Tamsin was reborn and cared for by Kenzi, Hale was still acting Ash until a replacement was found, and Dyson began training Kenzi as a shadow thief after she was found running from all things fae. This is my first fanfiction, so advice is appreciated.  Also, if there is something you'd like to see happen drop a line. This story is Hale and Kenzi centric, but all characters are in here!  I do not own the characters.

Sitting Home

On the couch Kenzi's watching another episode of her crazy version of Crocodile Hunter show. Bo's out feeding on dark territory. Kenzi thinks to herself randomly, 'Bo wanted to go on that side thinking Lauren would call her and she could get her some hotpantz. I would normally be at the Dal right now taking some shots, but I'm just not in the mood. I wonder if he thinks of me as often as I think of him. I miss him so much and I don't even know if the feeling is mutual, I mean how could it be? I mean I am the most awesomest, stylish, take no shit, give it to ya straight chick he knows, but I'm also human. It seems the fae can never ever really get pass that fact. I mean sure we are 'bff's, pinky swears, borrow each other's bras, friends' his definition of us.  She smiles at the thought of him getting flustered when asked about "us" by the bounty hunter at the Dal the time they switched bodies.

I know he cares for me.  They all have proven that I'm part of this family, but AAHHH how I just want to more than his friend. Hale.  She sits fiddling with the blanket on her lap, I hate having these feelings and never being ready to show them.  It's always the fucking end of the world around here and if a mini-apocalypse isn't looming than fear is...what if I told him or showed him and he didn't react, or he does and then it's just a fling and it makes things awkward when we're all together.  Is it really worth damaging the faemily I have now, after years of not having one I could depend on?   She rolls her eyes at her frustration.  The way he holds me, looks at me, or how he refers to me with the cutest nicknames, that I would usually be reaching for Geraldine if it came from anyone else, says he cares.  Uggghhh!!  I've gotta get up and do something constructive.

She looks up at the t.v. and realizes she's been in deep thought through another episode.  She gets up, grabs the outfit she was planning on wearing earlier when she thought she might go out.  Laces up her favorite thick heeled boots and grabs her phone to head out the door, she looks down and she has 3 new text messages.

Hale: Hey Lil Mama, I was thinking bout you. You busy?

Hale: If you're not, you wanna meet up at the Dal, we can even go somewhere else if you want?

Bo: Did you go out Kenz?  Be careful and let me know if you'll be out all night, Lauren just called me so I may be out late.

She looks at the time of the texts and realize they were from about an hour ago. 'Wow, I was that deep in thought I didn't hear the beep.' She rereads Hale's text and then messages him back.

Kenzi: What up Siren you still free?

She smiles and heads to the Dal, figuring whether he messages her quickly or not won't matter, he would most likely be hanging out there anyway.

Kenzi: I just left Bo, going to the Dal. I'm gonna meet up with Hale.  Have fun with Dr.Hotpantz (Fire emoji)

Kenzi was thinking of walking to the Dal as Bo had the car, but it seemed awful dark out tonight. She looks up at the sky and notices the moon isn't out and remembered it had been a pretty cloudy day.  Standing outside the crack shack, Kenzi glances down at her phone to see if Hale replied.  He had not.  She checks for her small dagger in her boots and knuckle dusters in her leather jacket to do a mental check.  Then uses the uber app to see if she can get a ride, but she decides to walk until her ride arrives and the app says in about 5 minutes the car should be there.  Kenzi walks into the corner liquor store to get candy.  'Candy is gonna be the reason I am missing all my teeth when I am old', she laughs at herself, 'but it's so yummy'.  She walks up to the register to actually pay for her few items and a guy comes up behind her and tells the cashier, "Just empty the register man."

"I don't want any problems" Cashier says.

"You won't, just open the god damn drawer and give me the money" the guy says.  Kenzi hasn't turned around but she can see the reflection of the gun being pointed at the cashier through the beverage machine.  She knows better than to move quickly and this guy looks highly unstable. Her eyes widen as she watches the cashier fumble dropping the money on the floor and the gun cocks.  The cashier looks her in the eyes.  She sees he has a small rifle beneath the counter and her eyes plead with him not to do it, not a moment later she drops to the ground.   The cashier pulls out the gun and lets off a shot, hits the robber in the shoulder and of course he returns fire. The robber grabs the bag and tries to grab all the cash flying around as the cashier falls. Mindlessly the robber holds his gun in Kenzi's direction while reaching for the money and she slowly but surely tries to move from out of the line of fire, yet continuing to be non-threatening on the floor.  He's almost done getting the money and she is hoping any moment this should be over.  The robber looks down at her just as he was about to leave and his eyes looked sad.  Kenzi quickly looks to the door as she sees a police car pull up and then he turns to see what had her shocked, his eyes widen.  The robber turns quickly towards the door and he let out several shots towards the oncoming police officers.  His shooting was erratic and he continued to shoot as he was falling from the police returning fire.

Kenzi opens her eyes, although she doesn't remember closing them.  She scoots further back and reaches for her phone and Hale had text back.

Hale: I am here at the Dal waiting for you Princess, you want me to swing pass and get you?

She looks down at her stomach and feels the pool of blood drenching her pants, terror raises in her chest.  She realizes she is so scared and she can't think of anything but him or rather the fact that he'll never know how much she loves him.

'All of them know how much they mean to me, I've always told them how I felt in one way or another.  Trick my adopted gramps whether he liked it or not, Dyson my big brother my protector.  Tamsin the fae-bitch, turned baby Valkie I couldn't imagine caring for more.  Vex the annoying cousin who you hate but love at the same time, Lauren the family member you secretly admire, but act as if you only tolerate them.  Bo my sister, I love her so much, she is beautiful inside and out, she has brought me so much happiness, my life is better because of her.  But Hale... I never really told him. It was always implied, always insinuated, in every sly comment, flirtatious movement, every widen smile.'

Her heart hurts she clenches to her chest as she begins to shed tears of despair, she knows that she's spent the better part of four years with the love of her life and she hasn't even told him. 'Why didn't I just fucking tell him?!   I wanted all of it, his love, to be his best friend, his lady and the worst part is deep down I know he loves me... he loves me... he loves me just the same and I always knew it.  I wasted so much time... so much fucking time.'   She's begins to drift off into darkness, she can't stay conscious, she hits the call button to Hale.

Hale: Hey Lil Mama.

Hale: Hello... Hello.

Hale: Can you hear me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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