Chapter 1~ Reunion

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Yoshi's POV

Another day here at Ouran Academy. I don't have many friends but the ones that I do have are more like family to me. Mai Otome and Yamamura Kimiki. They've been with me for as long as I can remember. I have kept myself distant from most people because of my dad.


"You're so annoying! Why are you even bothering? You're going to fail that fucking math test. Like you fail at everything else. Just go to your room or else!" My dad hisses at me. I stand still. Petrified of what will happen yet I don't seem to move.

"Did you not hear what I just said?! Go to your fucking room. Now!" He smacks me. I only feel a sharp sting. I should be used to this by now. Ever since mother died. Father hasn't been himself. And I forgive him because I miss Mom too.

"I'm sorry father." I nod and run to my room, tears threatening to spill.

"Hey Yoshi! Can we stop by the host club? I gave Kaoru my notes and I need them back."

"Sure. Yama? Go on without us. This may take a while." I laugh as Mai and I walk away from the third part of our trio.

We open the big, pink door to Music Room #3 and, as per usual, the rose petals fly out and 7 heavenly voices say "Welcome.". I don't really come to this club because I don't see a point. But I know that Mai likes one of the twins A LOT so I just thought I'd come see what the fuss is about.

"Hello! Kaoru I need my notes back."

"Kaoru? You took her notes? But we share notes." the other twin, I think his name is Hikaru, whined looking like a lost puppy directly into Kaoru's eyes.

"Hikaru. I'm sorry. I just thought you needed them more because you're always sleep talking about not doing well in Languages." Kaoru says getting a little too close to his twin.

"Well, Mai, who's this lovely princess you've brought with you?" a blonde boy with beautiful purple eyes asks as he takes my hand and pecks it with his lips. "I'm Tamaki Suoh."

"I'm-" I get interrupted.

"Yoshi-Chan?!" A very familiar voice calls. My eyes shoot downwards to a small boy with blonde hair and adorable brown eyes. My eyes widen as I realise who it is.

"Mitsukuni? Is that you?"

A look of confusion spreads on everybody's face apart from ours and Kyoya's.(because he knows everything)

"It so happens that Honey-Senpai, Mori-Senpai and Yoshikawa-San are in the same class, they are also childhood friends, I don't recall them knowing much of each other being in the same class though."

"Yoshi-Chan... I've missed you."

"Mitsukuni, I have missed you too. How long has it been?"

"Yoshi-Chan, please call me Honey."

"Okay? But that doesn't answer my question."

"O-Oh I-I'm not s-so sure, maybe 10 years?"

"That long?"

*Mori nods*

"You've grown nicely, haven't you? You're still as cute as ever. You've had that bunny, Usa-Chan right? You've had him since you were 3." I chuckle causing Honey to blush, wait I got THE HONEY SENPAI to blush?!

"Hold up, so Kyoya-Senpai? How did you know about this and not Honey-Senpai? And how do they even know each other?" A medium sized guy asked placing his hand on his head in frustration, his brown hair blocking the view of his brown eyes.

"Hey, Mori-Senpai knew as well. And Yoshikawa Rokun is the heir to the Rokun Dojo. I know pretty strange right? But it does get stranger. When these two were kids they used to spar against each other and it was pretty obvious who the winner was. Yoshi-San has won plenty of awards in Judo, Karate, Jujitsu and Kendo. She once went up against Mori and he's undefeated so..... but, Yoshikawa beat the hell out of Honey-Senpai."

"Takashi? That's Takashi Morinozuka? The kid I got beat by? That tall, quiet giant?!"

"Yeah! Don't you remember, we're cousins now!"

"Wow stuff happens while I'm gone eh?"

Honey-Senpai gives me a big squeeze and doesn't let go of my sleeve.

"Do you want to have some cake with me" For old times sake?"

"Of course I would, I love seeing you again."


"We need to go Yoshi. It's getting late and you know how your parents are when you're late."

"Oh gosh, yes I totally forgot about the time, I need to go."

"Will you come again tomorrow?" Honey asks with wide eyes.

"Of course."


"Promise. Bye!!"

We leave the host club and my limo is ready to take us home. I don't want to go home. I want to stay with Honey.

"You like Honey don't you?" Mai looks at me with a psychopathic smile plastered on her face.

"What? No! Why did he say anything?"

"Hahaha! I knew it. But what about Yama, you know how he feels." 

"He knows I don't see him like that. He's more of a brother than a friend. But Honey. There's something about him."

"Are you gonna tell your dad?"

"HELL NO! Did you hear what he said to me last time I tried to talk to him? 'I'M BUSY!'. So I don't really intend on getting kicked in the gut again.".  Mai is the only person that knows about my father and what he does. Not even Yamamura knows. He'd go on a rampage for sure.

"But he knows Honey right?"
"Yeah, but my dad would see it as inappropriate, so no."

"Ok," my driver opens the door, "we're at my house. See you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Mai!"

When we reached my mansion, it was still light out. I open my door and hope that I can just go to my room. Luckily that's what happens. I get in my P.J's and lay on my bed.


My phone goes off. I have a text from an un-know ID.

'Hey Yoshi-Chan! This is Honey. Hang out with me tomorrow at 4:00 xx?'

I quickly type a reply:

'Yea defiantly. Meet you at the park at 4 and see where the day takes us xx ;)'

My heart feels weird. Wait, how did he get my number. Then it hit me, Kyoya. I lay down and fall asleep. I just need to tell dad that I'm doing a school project.

sweeter than honey  ~honey senpai [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now