Chapter 15: Something Bad

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Rita asked.

"I was just relaxing ya know, minding my own business." Rico declared. "When out of the blue I start hearing voices from inside ACME labs! I think some rat's in trouble."

"Nobody's down at ACME labs though." Rita disagreed. "Who would be down there?"

"You've got to believe me." Rico begged. "The voice did not sound friendly."

"Authorities never understand cats." Rita shrugged her shoulders. "We should go tell Dot."

"Well we should probably do something. I got a feeling something bad is going down." Rico frowned.


Nearby Slappy's Tree House...

Snappy had just come from the store. He even bought a joke book for Slappy hoping that would help out the situation. Sooner or later, she and Skip would have to allow him to get closer. He twirled his cane a few times as he walked down the streets, but stopped as he saw something near someone's trash. "?"

He swore it looked like a small tail...

"Don't come near that trash!" An angry chipmunk said half psychotically. "That's MY trash!"

Snappy just gave her an odd look. What was her problem? Not really caring about what some chipmunk thought he lifted the lid of the trash.

"Stay out of my trash! Out, out, ou-?" The psychotic chipmunk soon quit though as she saw what was underneath the lid.


Water Tower...

Dot was still reading her magazines when Rita, Runt and Rico came shooting in. She looked over at them in surprise. "What's the rush?"

"There's a rat in trouble down at ACME labs." Rico warned her.

Dot chuckled. "A rat in trouble? Do go on."

"He's serious." Rita frowned. "Rico heard voices outside that lab."

"Hmm..." Dot looked over at her brothers. "Should we call the police?"

"Are you positive?" Yakko inquired. "A call to the police won't look good on our record if it isn't serious."

"Then go down there!" Rico complained.

Yakko shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. That's probably a better idea than calling the police because a cat said so." He started to take off along with Wakko.


ACME labs...

Yakko looked around with a magnifying glass wearing his Hercule Yakko detective outfit. "I see no sign of foul play. Anything my dear Wakko?"

"Huh uh." Wakko commented. "Why would anyone even be down here?"

"You're right. The cat must be confused." Yakko nodded his head. "Good thing we didn't call the police."


Yakko and Wakko turned as they saw two cops with guns trained on them.

Ooh, just what they needed right before court!

"What are you doing here?" One of the cops questioned.

"Just checking it out." Wakko held his hands up. "For a cat. He heard voices."

"You talk to cats who hear voices?" One of the policeman replied, not sounding convinced. "Sure you did."

"Suspicious activity." Yakko assured them. "We wanted to check it out before we called you guys. There's nothing here though."

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