Chapter 2

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I woke up to sirens screeching.


 I thought to myself. I glanced around to see if the others were awake. They all awoke, covering their ears as quickly as possible. I grabbed Arizien and Beau, who was already holding Mikel, and wrapped them tightly around me. The sound of the sirens made my ears ring. They sounded like dying cattle in a wood chopper with a piece of metal stuck in it.


Nobody was gone.

We were all here.

I sighed in relief, holding Arizien and Beau tighter than before. I soon let go of them both and stated, "Let's head to my place. The bus has no use. It won't start." Arizien frowned slightly and then nodded, "Yes, we should be safer there." I nodded slightly and lifted myself off of the ground and stood up. Beau tried to stand up, but winced slightly. I glanced down at her, "What's wrong? Did something happen?" She coughed slightly and ran her hand down her leg. There was blood. A whole trail of blood running down her leg. I glanced around to see whether it could've been something on the bus...Nothing.

I knelt down next to her to inspect the blood. I glanced up at Mikel. His eyes were big and his mouth covered. I could see tears swell up in his eyes, but he blinked them away in a rapid pace and then turned around. Weird. I traced where the blood trail was coming from with my eyes until I found the source. She had been cut. I looked at it and upon further inspection I found that it couldn't have been an accident.

Someone had sliced open her leg. I pulled a spare shirt out of my backpack and wrapped it tightly around the wound, pressing on it with great pressure. She winced slightly as my palms pressed harder, "Hush, Beau. I promise it'll be okay." I stopped pressing and grabbed a pair of clean long socks. I wrapped them around her wound, over the shirt, "This should be good until we get to my place. Would you like me to carry you?" Mikel inserted, "No, I'll carry her." Beau blushed softly. I glanced at her and she nodded. "Fine, but no funny business, got it?" I stated, sighing heavily. Mikel and Beau both nodded in unison. I rolled my eyes slightly at Mikel, I hated him... But seeing Beau's smile made me happy. Yes, I've barely known her for twenty-four hours, but she's already like a little sister to me. "Follow me," I stated as I walked down the steps of the bus. Arizien was behind me. Mikel was carrying Beau behind her.

I felt a hand grip mine softly. A soft, warm, and caring hand embrace. I glanced over to see Arizien. Her face flushed slightly with a beautiful rose color. I squeezed her hand in reassurance that everything was fine. She smiled softly as we made our way to my small house. On the way there, we saw a young mother, about eighteen, weeping on her front lawn. She cried into the starlit sky, "Why have you forsaken me? Why must you have taken my child?" I sighed softly and rushed the others. Beau asked innocently, "Why was she saying that her child was taken? And who was she talking to?" I hushed Beau. I knew that if we talked like that we could end up going missing. Just like my parents did... They were chatting about how people were going missing... And then they disappeared... I coughed slightly and said, "Who knows. Anyways, we're here."

I let go of Arizien's hand for a brief moment to unlock my door. We walked in, and immediately Mikel said, "I'm tired, let's lay Beau down." I glanced back at Mikel as he walked to my couch. He laid her down and then gotten a blanket to cover her with. I sighed to myself. Arizien squeezed my hand and glanced up at me, "I know it's hard... Beau wanting him to take care of her, but just don't think about it." My eyes became wider, had she read my mind? What?

"Anyways, let's get to bed," Arizien stated. I nodded, still confused, "Hum, yeah. Let's go to bed guys. Mikel, come into this room. Beau, if you need anything, shout for one of us. Arizien, where do you-" "I want to sleep with you," Arizien interrupted. My eyes went wide again, "Oh, yeah. Come on, this way..." She held onto my hand tightly, trailing behind. I opened the door to my room and let her in, shutting it behind me.

Arizien lay down on my bed, shoving the covers over her pointed shoulders. I lay beside her, wrapping myself with a blanket, my stomach facing the ceiling. I felt a small rustle in the blankets and then the warmth of skin touching my body. I turned my head to reveal Arizien curled into my arm, laying her head on my chest. It made me smile. She made cute noises as she slept. I kissed her forehead as my eyelids became heavy. I didn't want this night to end, but I started to drift to sleep. Thoughts rushed through my head as I slept.





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