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A/N: I don't know how old or what's the name of Alex Jones' daughter, all I know is that she exists. So for the sake of this One Shot, lets Pretend that her name is Pricilla and is in her early twenties.

Enjoy 😘

"Hey, do you want your eggs scrambled, over easy, or sunny side up?" I yelled and my voice echoed through the open kitchen.

"Sunny side up!" Pricilla replied back.

"Okay!" I continued frying the eggs on the pan and bacon on another. I heard the sound of a door opening and closing, but not paying much attention to it.

Pricilla said her parents were out of town and wanted me to sleepover. I'm beginning to think that she made me come over just so I could cook her food.

"Hey, gurl, you haven't answered my question yet." I heard Pricilla's voice, from the sound of it, she was entering the kitchen.

"About what?" I asked, not bothering to  look back since I was too focused cooking.

"Why do you like Paul so much. You haven't answered me." She replied.

"I thought it'll be uncomfortable for you if I talked about your father's friend." I said, remembering how she reacted, the first time I told her I was a big fan of The Alex Jones Show and PJ.

"Well, you can tell me now. I promise I won't scoff."

I sighed. "Fine." I grabbed a plate and transferred the eggs on to it. "My god, it's so embarrassing."

She giggled, I could almost hear her eyes rolling. "Gurl, you're in my kitchen, swaying to your weird classical music in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties, you don't seem to be the least bit embarrassed." She said.

"Okay. Okay." I said then cracked another egg into the hot pan. "I like him because he's smart! He's not parochial like most people. We have the same beliefs."


"And?" I echoed her question.

"What do you think about his personality?"

"I don't know, I've never met the guy!" I said, still not able to look at her.

"Then why you wanna marry him?" Her tone was so clingy. Why are we even talking about him all of a sudden?

"I already told you why! And he's freaking hot! With his blue eyes and English accent." I answered. "But really that part is just a bonus for my female fantasies. We all want to marry someone good looking. But not all of us get to do so." I said honestly. 

"Then why don't you try reaching out to him. You've my friend, you've met my dad; why haven't you tried?"

"I don't know. I didn't became your friend just so you could be my stepping stone. Plus I don't even know what kind of girls he like!" I said, turning the flame off and putting everything I cooked on the plates.

"What kind of girls do you think he likes?" I asked, finally turning around to look at her and I was stuck in my spot.

"I don't know. What kind of girls do you like, Paul?" She asked the man standing beside her.

"The listening-to-classical-music-while-cooking-breakfast-in-an-oversized-t-shirt kind of girl." He said with a grin and a slight chuckle. "Oh and I like mine over easy."

"You- but! How? When- wha- PRICILLAAA!"

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