--The Time Comes - Part 9--

Start from the beginning

  Silver was watching the pup in tears before he felt another contraction hit him and lays his head back down as he started to push again

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  Silver was watching the pup in tears before he felt another contraction hit him and lays his head back down as he started to push again. Mephiles got ready for the next one to come. A few minutes later, the second pup was out and Silver was tired for the work of giving born to Mephiles's pups. Mephiles took a look at the second pup behind his tired mate as he cleans it.

  "It's another boy" Mephiles said moving the second pup over next to the other one.

  Silver was very tired but want to see the other pup as he carefully lift his head back up and looked at them. The second pup was a grey color fur with black strips on front legs, black back paws, tip of ears, around/under eyes and black tip tail. light grey/blue forehead to black to the neck. Light peach muzzle, white chest to belly with a black marking on the chest.

   Silver and Mephiles both watch over their little pups moving closer to their mother's belly as they started to drinking milk

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   Silver and Mephiles both watch over their little pups moving closer to their mother's belly as they started to drinking milk. Mephiles was happy that the pup came out alive this time and lean against his mate's head to nuzzle him then lick his cheek.

  "What you want to name them? since you did good this time" Mephiles said.

  "Mm.. Maybe the first one will be named Dusk and the second little guy, you can name it" Silver said smiling at him and lick his cheek back.

  "Um.. you sure?" Mephiles asked.

  Silver nods "I'm sure, you did help me throw this"

  "Okay then" Mephiles said as he looked at the second pup, thinking of something match its fur color. "Let name him Soul, what you think?"

  "Aw.. sounds great" Silver said smiling and look to the pups. "Our little dusk and soul"

  Mephiles smiled as he lays beside his mate and watches the pups with Silver.


  Scourge was just resting and staring at the wall as he didn't like the idea of being a mother but it happen. After he heard the screams of the grey male in next room, Scourge was getting worried about that will happen to him. He cover his face as he shook in fear that he will be feeling pain from this. Fleetway was started to worried of his mate getting too stress out for the pups health and his. He got up from his spot by the wall and walked over to Scourge to calm him down so he don't put stress on the pups. Scourge crys but stopped by the soft nuzzle from Fleetway as he lift his head to nuzzle back. Then his eyes went wide as he felt wet behind him and can feel a contraction coming. It made him fall to his side and started to pant faster as it got worse for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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