Chapter 11

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A/N: Does anyone still read this fan fic?


I took a nap either during or after my talk with Liam. Liam was gone when I woke up, nobody else was there. I was all on my own. On top of that I had a splitting headache. It’ll go away, I know that for a fact. I decided to get up and do something for once. I’m tired of staying in bed. I get up and put a mask on my face and put a yellow gown and gloves on. I add my converse and I’m ready to go. I grab my IV pole and walk to the nurses’ station.

“Makayla what are you doing out of your room? You should be resting.” Nurse Merissa said when I got to the station.

“I’m tired of staying in bed 24/7. I’m going to walk around a bit. If anyone comes to visit me tell them I’m walking around the floor somewhere. Oh can you put some juice and ice cream in my room for me please?”

“Okay I’ll put it in your room when you get back from your little walk. Just don’t stay too long okay?” I smile and walk off.

“Hi Mickey.” I smiled when I pass my friend Mickey’s room he has leukemia like me.

“Hey Makayla. What are you doing out of your room?”

“I got bored so I decided to take a walk. Wanna join me?”

“Mum can I go with Makayla?”

“Yeah just be careful okay?”

“Okay.” Mickey got ready and we walked to the rec room.

“So what’s new with you?” Mickey asked on our way to the rec room.

“T.V. drama with the ex and my brother and their band mates, you didn’t hear them yelling? What about you?”

“Well so far the cancers gone. They want to keep me for a week to be sure but I have a good feeling about this.”

“See I told you. You owe me 5 bucks.”

“We did not bet on it you little liar.”

“Yeah we did. You just forgot because it was attached to your hair.”

“Uh huh okay whatever.”

“So you agree?” We made it to the rec room and we’re the only two in here.


“You agree that you owe me 5 dollars.”

“I never said that.”

“Uh huh.”


“Uh huh—” I stop talking. The pain in my head is getting stronger. I let go of my IV pole and clutch my head.

 “Woah are you okay?” I don’t answer him. I just keep holding my head. The pain is completely unbearable. Tears are filling up my eyes.

“Makayla speak to me.” I look up and see black and white dots taking over Mickey’s face.

“Help… me.” I whispered to him. I feel myself falling on the floor. Mickey tries to catch me but I hit the floor. I let out a loud scream when I feel a white hot pain in the back of my head.

“Stay with me Makayla.” Everything was disoriented. I hear Mickey’s voice but I also heard people all around me. I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer I started closing them.

“Keep your eyes open Kayla. Keep them on me.” I focused my eyes on Mickey.

“I’m… so… sorry.” I whispered before I shut my eyes.


“Are we best mates again?” Zayn asked after our little talk.

“Yeah, we’re best mates again.” I put my arm around Zayn as we walked to the cafeteria. That’s where Niall, Harry, and Louis are. Niall looked up from his food when he saw us.

“No more World War III?” Niall asked.

“No Niall, no more World War III.” I answered.

“Well about bloody time. Let’s go see if Kayla is awake yet.” Louis said bouncing up from his seat. You can tell that Louis hasn’t had any sleep since he got here. None of us have. We all head up to her floor acting like we used to again. Five idiots who became best friends on T.V.

When we get to Makayla’s floor everything was hectic. Nurses running around everywhere and a boy dressed up in a yellow gown is standing outside the Makayla’s room. The person turns around and notices me. Mickey? “Liam, I-I-I don’t know what happened. One minute we’re talking and the next she’s on the floor screaming.” Mickey babbled.

“Mickey what are you talking about?” I know what he’s talking about. I just wanted to be sure that he was talking about Makayla.

“Makayla… something is wrong her. She just started holding her head and collapsed on the floor scream and passed out. I don’t know what’s happening and I’m scared. They’re running some test on her. They took her out of her room but I didn’t want to go in there by myself.” I go in her room to see if Mickey and Makayla are playing some sick joke. But she isn’t there. I start to panic. This can’t be happening.

“Liam just breathe, say something, anything.” Louis said coming next to me. I can’t do anything it’s like I’m frozen. Something happened to her and I wasn’t there to protect her like I promised.

“Here let me try. Lili? Talk to me Liam.” Niall said walking in front of me.

“I promised to always protect her no matter what but I wasn’t there for her. If something bad happens to her.—”

“There wasn’t anything you or anyone could do to prevent this from happening so stop blaming yourself.” Harry reassured me.

“No you don’t understand Harry. She actually wanted this to happen to her.”

“What why?” Mickey asked this time.

“She said she was tired of being sick and everything and rather be dead. She jinxed it herself.” Everyone was quite, too quite. I took this opportunity to text mum, dad, Ruth, and Nicola.

A few minutes they wheeled Makayla in the room. She’s paler than she normally is. “Are you all family?” One of the nurses asked. I nod my head not in to the mood to say anything.

“The doctor will be back with the test results.” I walk over to her bed and grab her hand.

“What are you doing to me?” I whispered to her. I heard someone knock on the door.

“Can I speak to her brother?” The doctor asked when he peeked his head inside. I walk outside the hospital room and close to door behind me.

“What’s wrong with Makayla?” I asked as soon as the door closed.

“We ran some test and took an X-Ray. Her body was glowing in two different places; her lungs and her brain, meaning that the cancer spread to those parts of her body. It’s only a while before it spreads to the rest of her body. We also found a small tumor growing in her brain. At the rate things are going she has a 10% chance of survival.” The doctor explained her condition.

“Is there anything you can do?”

“We can keep her on chemo to see if that will help expand her life span and or her survival rate. Other than that, no there is nothing else we can do. I’m sorry.” With that the doctor turned and left. As he left I let the tears fall. He basically said that she’s dying and they can’t do anything, there is a very slim chance of her living. I turned to the door and prepared to tell everyone the bad news.


A/N: So... sad update. I'm sorry

Don't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora