Chapter 1

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One day in the land of memes, a smol child name Ara was wondering the forest of pepes. She didn't realise that she was actually in Dat Boi territory. She was picking small yellow flowers from the grass when she heard a "O SHIT WHADDUP". She jumped, dropping the flowers she was picking and realised she was in Dat Boi territory. She picked up the flowers and started running back to pepe forest, when she was stopped by one of the Dat Boi guards. "Stop right there trespasser!" The guard exclaimed. Ara looked up and realised she was facing one of the best Dat Boi guards, she was facing KC. "I-I didn't mean to trespass, honest! I thought I was still in the pepe forest!" Ara replied, her voice shaking. "It's not that, that I understand, but what you have in your hands there are Dat Boi's special flowers, the ones they need to survive. I need you to give them to me." KC explained strictly. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realise! Here," Ara said and gave KC the flowers with her hand shaking. And just for a second, not even a second, their hands touched, and Ara felt shock waves go though her body. It looked like KC felt them too as she looked very shook. "G-good day, miss," KC said quickly and shakily. "My name is Ara if you wanted to know." Ara called to her. "Okay, good, I'm-" KC started but got cut off by Ara, "KC, I know, you're very popular in pepe central, almost everyone knows your name." Ara interjected. "Really? Wow, well I must be going, but I hope we meet again, Ara." KC said while mounting her tricycle and wheeled away into Dat Boi territory. Ara straightened her flower crown and skipped back to pepe central, shook by her encounter with the head guard of the Dat Boi's, KC Herbert.

Yay new story! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll post chapter 2 soon ^_^

Stay alive

Tobi out!

*throws Potato Howell and loads of memes at you*

Be The "Pe" To My PepeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz