I shrugged, rubbing my right arm, "I was going to make a cup of coffee, do you want one?"

He stared at me for a moment, before he nodded, "Sure I'll take one."

I gave him a small smile, and walked towards the coffe area that sported a large window that was one way, one could look out but one could really see inside.

At first the pop didn't catch my attention but the sound of something crashing to the ground and slow motion I turned my wide eyes to the window that was no more. And in its place stood something I'd never seen before, it was similar to the changelings...but more savage, angrier.

It stood on its hind legs, it breath coming like steam as its glowing eyes stared at me with hatred and blood lust poured into the room.


A hard hand grabbed my arm, and jerked my back and Galvin stood in front of me his eyes hard and jaw determined. Ove coming my mild shock at having a window now to fix, and angry bear/wolf/something I didn't have time to think about ready to eat me, I grabbed his arm. "What are doing?! We have to run?!"

Galvin shook his head, "Their too many of them," he said pointing out the four others that were entering from the broken window. He moved back, trying to block their view of me.

Shaking my head frantically, pulling at him, "Don't be stupid! We can still run!" If I had to, I would pick him up and rush off, yet as I pulled at him he didn't move. He was like stone.

"I've no choice," He voice turned growly, slowly I lifted my eyes up his boy. The arm I'd been holding on to had grown oddly bumpy. Releasing it slowly, I felt my heart drop as he turned his bright greens staring into my own, "I guess we're going to rush a few of the steps with the wooing bit." He grinned, as his face changed and I lost sight of the annoying male as he became something else.

His skin was like metal, his expression growing angry and fierce like the totems of an angry god. Healed wounds appeared along his arms and back as he cracked his neck, his hair was longer, he shoved me back and I actually stumbled.

He stepped forward, growling and snarling at the beast that were seemingly waiting for his move. The largest of them seemed to laugh like hyena, before it lunged forward as it claws scraped along Galvins back.

He let out roar, stomping forward his hands digging into the beast thick fur, hearing crack I felt my mouth widen as the large beast let out a howl as Galvin pulled his hands back covered in thick blood.

Then, at that moment something snapped in him and soon it wasn't him protecting me, but me watching slaughter. I he ripped and tore through the beast, their howls of pain forcing me to cover my ears as I watched blood splatter the walls and my store be broken apart. As Galvin beat and attacked a sick grin of happiness on his face, the metallic skin turned redder and redder as he continued.

Shaking my head, when something wet hit me on the face. Lifting a shaking hand I lightly brushed my hand against my cheek, pulling it away I cringed at the sight of blood, "stop."

Lifting my eyes to the destructive Galvin, I stood, "Galvin! Stop!"

He didn't seem to hear me as he ran towards the fifth beast who'd forced it's way in. Seeing that there wasn't anything else I could do I ran towards him, "Enough, Galvin stop!"

He ignored me, as he growled when this beast seemed more aware and dodged his attacks. Frustrated he grabbed up shard of glass, and lifted it ready to slice into the beast chest, before he could I rushed forward, my arms wide, "Galvin, stop!"

My eyes met his cold ones, they were empty aside from a sick glee from killing. My red eyes met his, and I hardened my determination, I didn't care what happened but I wouldn't let him fall into a such a madness.

His arms seemed to fighting from falling, as he frowned down at me confused by my appearance. I lifted shaking hand, and gripped his hand, "Don't, you've done enough," I lowered his arm, and tremously smiled, "I'm safe now, it's okay, I'm safe now Galvin."

He nodded, sense coming back to his eyes as he slowly to look from me to the store. "What—?" He seemed more shocked, by the blood gore around him. He whipped his head from here to there, "Oh my god, did I do this..." He asked in harsh whispered, a horrified look in his eyes.

Before I could I contemplate my next move, I move forward and wrapped my arms around him, holding tightly, "Its fine."

He stiffened at my movement, "its fine, I stopped you before it got too ugly."

"You stopped me?" he said emotionlessly.

I nodded, letting my cheek rest against his chest, "Yes," closing my eyes I tried o disperse to headache that approached at the smell of so much blood, "I stopped you." Like no one stopped me.

Suddenly, as if he'd wished to collapse but had settled on leaning one me, he wrapped his larger arms around and whispered, "Thank you, thank you for stopping me." I didn't bother mentioning the feel of wet tears on my neck.


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