.19.The talk

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Thanks DisneyLIVES for this AMAZING idea!!I owe it all to you!!

There's gonna be some twisted shit going on in this chapter so stay cool
~2 months later~

Zatanna sniffed the air as she walked into the kitchen,"Is something...on fire?"

Dick leaned against the counter and looked at her,"My desire to kiss you right now is burning."

Zatanna stared at the toaster,"Dick,The toaster's on fucking Fire.."

Dick turned and poured his glass of orange juice on it as smoke filled the air...Sparks flickered as Zatanna slightly screamed..

He grabbed a trash bag and threw the burnt toaster in it..

The weather was starting to get colder..It was already December 19th

Tonight they were all going out..(Friends)

Wellll,More like a girls night..

The boys were gonna spend it at Wayne Manor as the girls went to Queen Mansion..

Dick hated being 29 miles away from his beloved Zee...

Queen mansion was in Central City..And Wayne Manor was in Gotham..

Zatanna smirked,"Wow....Thanks for burning my toaster."

He frowned,"Your welcome..I'll get you a new one for Christmas."

She opened the fridge and got out a cup of Yoplait Orange and Peach yogurt

"I'll live with it and sleep with it.."

He crossed his arms and got her a spoon,"Nevermind."

He handed the spoon to her but he scooped out a bite and ate it..

She slapped him,"Dude..Its not cool when it comes to my Yoplait!"

He got another scoop and flicked it at her.

A big blob of yogurt landed on her cheek..She glared at him,"I'm glad I'm going to Central City in 3 hours!"

He whimpered,"I'll clean it off."

He licked the blob off of her cheek,"See!CL-EA-NN!"

She gave him a kiss,"Fine..I'm going to pack."

They all arrived at Wayne Manor as the girls all questioned.

"Who's taking us to central city?"

Dick raised his hand as Alfred chuckled,"Master Dick,You can go rest with your friends..I will take master Zatanna and her friends."

Bruce ran out,"NoNo!!I mean-I'll take them!I would like to see Oliver and Dina and Diana!"

After Dina and Diana figured out they were cousins,Oliver and Dina begged her to move in..

Alfred sighed,"Whatever you say Master Bruce.."

--In the car--

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