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Dick woke up with popcorn and Wally.
His phone rang as he saw Zatanna's face,"Hey!"He answered immediately.
"Hey.Where is Barbara?"
"I don't know.Why?"
"Just asking.."
"Well,Wally and I stayed up until 2:30 watching Disney movies."
"There's nothing wrong with that!"
"What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing because I just bought 5 or 6 Disney movies this morning and we're watching them tonight."
"Okay..Are you going to the cave today."
"Didn't you know?"
"Know what?"
"That I joined the justice league?"
"Oh yeah..Forgot.."
She giggled,"You forgot.Thats funny."
"I'm sorry that I'm dory.."
"Short term memory loss.Its a phrase."
"Oh okay."
They talked for the next 10 minuets then Damion called,"Wait a second.Damion's calling.I'll talk to you later.Bye."

"What Damion?"
"Why is Wally in your room."
"Why are you 10 years old and annoying?"
"Did you and Wally have some type of Gay-"
"I'm not gay!I have a girlfriend.."
"That you don't like."
"Shut up!I like her!"
"As a friend."
"Just shut up!What do you need!I was talking to Zatanna!"
"Oooh!!Zatanna!!You LUVV her!"
"Okay what do you need?"
"Get me some juice."
"Alfred isn't here."
"Get your lazy ass up and get some!"
"Maybe I will.Just expect-"
"Okay bye asshole."
"You can't swear!"
"I can and just did."
He hung up.Dick groaned
"Wake up Wally."
"I am up.Ive been eavesdropping on your conversation."
"You dick.."
"Hey who's name is that again?"
"My name is not Dick..Its my nick name!"
"Okay then."

They both got dressed and left.They arrived at the cave and chilled.
Barbara was on the phone,Everybody else was rather chilling or eating.
Jaime was with Cassie,and Tim didn't like it one bit.Tim always had a crush on Cassie since he met her.

I yawned
"Team...we have some news.."Batman said as they all looked at him,"What?"They all said.
"Dick's going to the Justice League."
Like everybody gasped.My mouth dropped open,"Excuse me??"
"You heard me..We need some extra help..."
Barbara walked up to him and hugged him really tight.He stuck my tongue out and pushed her away,"I'm gonna miss you boo!"
He chuckled then patted her head,"You'll be okay.."
Bruce took Dick's arm and pulled him away."Bye!!"Everybody said.
"Why am I joining this team?"He asked.
"I already told you,Dick."
"Okay!I don't need an attitude."


They were sitting in the couch,watching Zootopia.Dick had to tell her his feelings for her,but he couldn't,ya know.He could always cheat,but it's kinda wrong.Why should he care.
"Zatanna?"Dick asked then paused the movie."Yes?" "Remember when we were 17 almost 18,and we loved eachother?" She paled and looked down,"Y-yeah.Why?"
He felt his nerves tingling.Then he did it,he leaned in and gave her a kiss.She pulled away."Dick,Your dating Barbara..you can't!"
"Oh darling,Guess I'm just a Dirty Little Cheater." He then put his hand on her face,"Please,Zatanna.Your all I need."She then gave him a hug."I love you."She whipered in his ear and he hugged her back,"I love you too."
He then kissed her cheek.
She looked at him and pulled him into a very passionate kiss.
Dick enjoyed this moment.He never allowed Barbara to do such.They just would kiss for a few seconds.The kiss got more and more passionate as they went along.They finally split apart,catching a breath.
They put there foreheads on each others and smiled."I never thought this moment would come."Dick said.
She smiled,"Me neither.I waited and waited for almost 2 years for you.."
Dick grabbed ber hand."At least your my girlfriend now.."

"Dick!!Thats so wrong!!Cheating on your girlfriend is such a sin!"Zatanna said as Dick rolled his eyes
"Yeah,Yeah.Im sorry that I'm scared of Barbara's dad!And will you be my girlfriend?Nobody will know."He pleaded.She rolled her eyes and sat back,"Okay.Just don't let Wally know..or anybody.."
He stuck out his pinkie,"I pinkie promise I wont tell anybody."
She giggled and wrapped her pinkie around his."Now where were we?"She asked as he tackled her into a kiss and a hug.
Dick woke up with Zatanna ok his chest.He simply smiled and looked at his phone.

Babs😚:Your not at Wally's cause I called him,WHERE ARE YOU?
Babs😚:17 missed calls.

Dick sat up and Zatanna fell back,"5 more minutes daddy.."
He then kissed her cheek and she opened her eyes and screamed.
"WHAT!!"He said as she then rubbed her eyes,"S-sorry I though it was a dream.."
He smirked,"So you dream about me?"
She yawned,"Who doesn't?"
He then smiled,"Everybody dreams about ME."
She punched him,"And you dream about me!"
He then tapped his chin,"Do I?Yes I do." She smiled at his response and picked up her phone.
She paled,"You gotta go!!"
He raised an eyebrow,"Why?"
She showed him the phone

Barbara🙄:Dick's missing.Il coming over!I'll be there at 11!

It was already 10:57.
"Shittttt."He muttered then got his phone,gum,and his shoes.Zatanna then stopped him and kissed him,"See you tonight?"
He winked,"Yes."
Then they heard a car pull up and the door shut.
Then Barbara knocked on the door.
"Quick!Go in my dads room!"
He ran to her dads room and she let Barbara in.She pushed Zatanna on the couch,"WHERE IS HE!!"
Zatanna raised an eyebrow,"What do you mean?" Barbara's fists were clenched and her cheeks were stained with tears,"I don't know where he is!I know he's here!"
"Prove it then."
She dragged Zatanna to the window and pointed to his car across the street.Zatanna paled,"Um..You know Jaime lives there,right?"
Barbara wiped her makeup stained cheeks and sniffled,"Really?"
She then ran out of the door and across the street.
"Tropelet Kcid ot S'emiaj emoh!"She said as Dick was all of the sudden at Jaime's.
A knock at the door and he answered.
Barbara looked at him,"D-dick?Why didn't you answer your calls?"
"I was chilling and plus my phone went dead last night.Jaime didn't have a charger.."
Barbara looked across the street and closed her eyes,"I blamed Zatanna.I feel like a bad person now.."
"Cause you are one."Dick muttered as she sighed,"I-I'm sorry for blaming you for cheating."
Maybe I am,he thought
"And for blaming your friend.."
"And for blaming other people."
He then closed his eyes,"Barbara..Its okay but next time,don't blame my gi-friends for my phone going dead."
She nodded and looked down."Okay?You should go home."He said as she nodded,again.
She then turned around and walked to her car.She started it and drove down the street.Luckily,Jaime wasn't even home.
" Gnirb Kcid Kcab."
Dick appeared in her living room.
She was smiling,but she held her back in pain.He pulled up her shirt and saw a big bruise."Oh my god what happened."He said as he gently touched it,and she screeched in pain.
"I-it's a long story..."She said,as a sly tear rolled down her cheek.
He then turned her around and kissed her.
Then Cassie appeared with Jaime,walking down the road.
She saw them kissing and she gasped.
"Where's my phone Jaim?"She said as he handed it to her.
She quickly texted Barbara what she saw and Barbara gasped at the text.
She sat in her room and her dried cheeks were now flooded with tears again.....

Little Dirty CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now