.8.Confessions and Quizzes

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"What's the big deal about your parents finding out?"
Zatanna wiped her tears,"Because they'll take it like your gonna hurt me one day.They think you'll end up like John.And they try to protect me from everything.My brother is an ass.He told them..Its all his fucking fault.."
Dick grabbed her hands,"Zee,your family is just looking out for you.My family did the same..."
He sighed,"No,did.I was an acrobat.This guy,Tony Zucco.ugh.He loosened the ropes and my parents fell to their deaths..I was almost 9.."
Zatanna kissed him,"I'm sorry baby.."
He smiled,"It's okay..He already got his punishment."
"But as I was saying..your parents are just looking out for you.They really love you..Your brother is probably a good older brother..He was just being an older brother."
She sighed,"I know...but they treat me like I'm a baby.."
He kissed her hand,"Because you're gonna be moving out soon and getting your own life soon.They want to spend the time with you while they can."
She nodded,"It makes sense,but-"
He looked at her,"No buts..Its all about apologies.I'll come with you."
Her eyes lightened,"O-okay..I'll be right back.."
She got out of the car."Why am I so dramatic?"She asked herself.
She knocked on the front door.
Clayton answered,"Oh hey."
"Where's mom,dad,and Jo?"
He pointed upstairs."Looking for you."
She quietly walked up the stairs.
The door to her parents room was shut.
She heard them talking.
"Jonas,She's your baby sister..Treat her like it." He groaned,"Mom!She's never gonna talk to me again!Don't you know?!"
Giovanni sighed,"Son..Zatanna gets dramatic some times..I bet she didn't mean it..She's probably crying to her boyfriend of what a jerk she was or something.."
Zatanna felt a little hurt by that.
She softy knocked on the door.
"What Carmen or Clayton?!?We're trying to find your-"he stopped in mid sentence as he opened the door.
Her parents looked at her,"Baby.."
Her mom walked to her and have her a hug."I'm sorry."Zatanna said softly.
"It's okay.."
"No it's not..You guys and Jonas were just being there for me..And I acted like a bitch about it all.."
Jonas sighed and put a hand on her shoulder,"I-It's okay Zee..I forgive you..I know I was being a jerk,but I was just being a big brother."
Zee left her mother and gave him a hug,"I know..I just overreacted.."
Sly tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Know if you'd excuse me,I have a waiting boyfriend."She walked of the room and down the stairs.
She saw Dick sitting on the couch talking to Clayton."So yeah,your playing football?"
Clayton nodded,"Quarterback.."
Dick nodded,"Cool.I was a linebacker but I'm considering being a Quarterback in College.."
"What college are you going to?"
"Hmm..I don't know,your sister is going to Amsterdam so I might do a year there.."
Clayton shrugged,"Yeah.She was talking to dad about doing 1 year in Amsterdam and the rest where you are."
He smiled,"I could make that work."
Zatanna walked in,"Alright Dickie,let's go."
She grabbed the collar of his shirt.
Clayton smirked,"My girlfriend Aubree is coming over!"
Zatanna shrugged,"I really don't care."
She walked up the stairs and into her room.She pulled out her laptop.
"Okay,there is this quiz we're doing."
Dick sat in her bean bag."Okay."

"Question 1,What is my favorite color?"
Dick tapped his chin,"Purple."
Zatanna nodded,"Okay..
What is my favorite animal?"
Dick shrugged,"Koalas..but your spirit is a viper."
Zatanna nodded,"Okay..
What's my age?"
Dick laughed,"56...haha no.18."
Zatanna rolled her eyes,"Har Har..Very funny."She said,sarcastically.
"Okay final question...
How much do you love me?"
Dick counted on his fingers,"1,2,3,4,5,more than I can count.How many miles traveling around Earth 1,000,000,000,000 times is how much."
She smiled and gave him a small kiss.
"It's your turn."
Dick took the laptop,"Okay..
What's my favorite sport?"
,"Hmm.You used to play football and basketball..I'd say Basketball because you always talk about it."
He shrugged,"Okay..
What's my favorite animal?"
"Spirit is Tiger and your real favorite is a white tiger."
"Okay,who's my best friend(besides you)?"
"Okay final question...How much do you love me?"
"Counting in miles:across the universe Trillions of times.And if anything tries to ruin us,they will get it.."
Dick smiled,"Thank you.Now let's get the results..."
They both scored 100%.
"See I really know you!"Dick exclaimed.
Zatanna laughed,"Yeah...I know you too."
He got up and pulled her to him.She landed right next to him.He wrapped his arms around her.
"And you know what?"
"Yes baby?"
"I'm not going to Amsterdam."
His eyes widened,"REALLY?!"
She nodded,"I'll spend all four years where you do.."
He stood up and jumped around,"Hallelujah!!!"
She giggled,"I declined the scholarship and they weren't that upset.."
He smiled,"Well,I can go to Gotham with you!"
She smiled,"That could work..But what about Artemis at Maryland?"
Dick gave her a small kiss,"I can adjust her.."
She gave him a kiss,"Okay..Well we can grow up happily together now."
He put a hand on her cheek,"I was gonna visit you every month when you were in Amsterdam,But now I'll see you everyday for 4 years.."
She wrapped her hands around his neck,"This will be the BEST 4 years of my life.."
"Oh and I saw Kori today."
Zatanna gasped,"Where?!"
He shrugged,"Her and Rachel were walking down the road."
(Rachel is Raven from Teen Titans)
Zatanna smiled,"We'll have a pretty good year!Are they going to Gotham?"
Dick nodded,"Yeah..I texted her over Facebook and she said 'oh glorious!To my congrats!Me and friend Rachel will be doing to attending to The college of Gotham?" He mimicked a girly voice.
Zatanna laughed,"It's been awhile."
Dick nodded,again."Yeah..You haven't seen her and Rachel since they moved to Jump City.."
She remembered them....And Kori wasn't always the nicest.

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