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Zatanna was on the couch when her dad sat next to her,"Guess what??The Wayne's are coming over for dinner."
She started to choke a bit on her popcorn,"Excuse*cough*me?!?"
He nodded,"You heard me!"
She was about to faint,"Um..okay..You know that Damion and Carmen hate each other...right?"
He shrugged,"Well,They are going to get along."
She then shuffled off into her room.
"Pick up your feet!"
She shut her door and locked it.
Then she decided to call Dick

"Hey boo."
"Your coming over."
"I like where your heading."
"No!I mean-my dad said you guys are coming over for dinner!"
"Yeah!I started to choke."
"Oh baby girl,daddy can come fix you."
She blushed.
"Oh my goodness,your acting like I'm your daughter."
"Your my baby."
"I know I am."
"Okay,Are you for dinner?Cause I'm CRAVING YOU!"
Zatanna laughed,"You dick.."
"I am my name."
Then Zatanna's mom walked in.
"You better not be calling anybody a dick!"
She rolled her eyes,"Okay mom.Im talking to Artemis."
Her mom smiled,"Tell her I said hello.And the Wayne's are-"
,"I KNOW!Dad told me."
"Anyway,where were we?"She said,getting back on the phone.
"You called me Artemis."
She smiled,"Yeah...Anyway,how is she doing?"
Dick sighed,"If only I knew...Wally has been looking all over..She's missing."
Zatanna gasped,"My....b-bestfriend.i-is missing?"
Dick frowned,"Sad but true.."
Zatanna felt a small tear slip down her cheek."Come to my house and pick me up...we're going to look for her."

Zatanna put on a small jacket and some wind pants.
She walked out of the front door and saw Dick's car.She got in.
"First,The pasture behind Dean's Diner."

They checked all around the city.
Then Zatanna tried calling her.
After 13 times,she answered.
"Oh my god!Where the hell are you?!"
She sniffled,"Away."
Zatanna let a few tears slip down her cheeks,"You're staying at my place.Where the hell are you?"
Artemis sobbed quietly,"I'm at my house..."
She pulled down the phone,"Step on it.Shes at her house."
Dick floored it and they sped off to Artemis's house.
Zatanna knocked on the front door.
Jade answered,"You better be thanking God that my dad's not here."
She ran past her and up to Artemis's room.
She sat up from the floor.Zatanna ran to her side.She hugged her and cried.
"What's wrong?"
Artemis bit her lip,"M-my dad...H-he saw Wally chasing me home a-and..."
Dick then walked in the door.
"Hey,Wally just told me he's in the hospital.."
Artemis then started to cry again.
"What?!?"Zatanna said as Dick nodded.
Her dad then called."Where are y-"
,"Friend issues..I'm having friends over."
"But the Wayne's-"
"This is important."
Then she hung up.
"Get in the car,you guys are going to my house."
At Zatanna's---
They walked through the front door.
Her dad saw them,"Hey gir-why the hell is a boy here?!"
"He's my really good friend.Artemis's dad-he did stuff to our friend Wally..And I'm scared that her dad will beat her when he gets back from that business trip."
Her dad gasped,"Oh darling that's horrible!Here!Make yourself at home,you can stay as long as you'd like."
Her dad can be mean but he had a big heart when it came to helping people.
She smiled,"Thank you Mr.Zatara."
He smiled and winked,"No problem."
They walked up the stairs and into her room.It was dark gray with little white stars.
Artemis sat on her bed,"I-I hope Wally's okay.."
Dick sighed and gave her a hug,"Me too Arty,Me too."
"Well,Can't we go see him?"
Artemis and Dick both looked at her.
They both shrugged.
"It's your best friend.You should take responsibility."
He sighed,"Zee.I will."
She just whispered in his ear,"I wanna get Artemis better,Dickie."
He gently kissed her,"Me too.But we have to do it step by step,"

So they relaxed for a bit.
"So...are you going to college Arty?"
Artemis shrugged,"I don't know.Probaly not.Probably just gonna live in your basement."
Zatanna rolled her eyes,"Trust me,you'll find the one."
She sighed,"If only he loved me."
Dick smirked,"If you only know how much he does."He muttered.
"So,What college are you going to?"
Zatanna shrugged,"Maybe Gotham or Blüdhaven..But I got a scholarship to-"
Artemis gasped,"What if we all got to go to the same college!"
Dick laughed,"That'd be so awesome!"
"B-but guys-"
"And we'd all hang around each other and be in a squad!"
"I'd love that!"
"Yeah!All of our-"
Zatanna yelled,"IM GOING TO AMSTERDAM!"
They both looked at her.
She was breathing hard and a tear slipped down her cheek.
"W-what?" Dick felt weak.
She rubbed her arm and looked down,"I-I got a scholarship to Amsterdam."
Artemis gasped,"Oh my god."
Zatanna pulled her knees to her head and cried quietly.
Dick sat next to her and she put her head on him.
"What's wrong?"Zatanna's dad came in the room.
"We were taking about colleges and she got upset because she is going to Amsterdam and not Maryland like me and Dick."
Her dad frowned,"Oh yeah....I forgot about that.."
Her dad quietly left.
Dick quietly stroked Zatanna's hair.
He was holding her like a baby.
She cried into his chest and he kissed her forehead,"Hey,it's okay...I'll come visit you every semester."
She cried harder,"But we will be thousands of miles apart."
He gave her a small kiss,"It's okay..I'll ask Bruce if I can go to Amsterdam."
Zatanna wrapped her arms around his neck,"You don't get it.."
She sighed,"You can't go to Amsterdam"
She let out a quiet sob before calming herself a bit..

"Because you'll get hurt."
"I'm a acrobatic trained black belt."
"Just before you say anything.."
"Spill it,I won't be ashamed or anything."

"It's about this person.."
"He lives in Amsterdam..
"Okay,go on."
"Me and him were best friends until he moved when I was 17."
"And what?"
"He's my ex.."
"That's not bad!Whats his name?"

"John Constantine.."

Hello,It's me.
Sorry I haven't updated,I'm in New Orleans!!Yay!!

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