Morning with Niall

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Today was the second day of school hopefully today would be even better than yesterday. I walked up to a empty table to wait a while before school officially started. I waited for Niall so we can walk to class together. I put in some ear buds and turned on my music while a waited.



Niall had snuck up behind me and scared the crap out of me.

"Hey, you scared me".

"I'm sorry I was only joking around. Give me a hug".

I got up to give him a hug and oh my gosh his hugs were amazing it was like sleeping with a blanket that came out of the dryer.

"How have you been".

"Oh I'm good. I ready for today now".

"Ha ha".

"Hey I was talking to my mom about meeting you and she was wondering if you want to come over for dinner".

"Why would she want me to come to dinner".

"She just wants to see if you are what I said you are. You know a good friend".

"Oh, well that's me...ha ha".

"Ha ha, I love your laugh".

"Thank I like your, too".

The bell rung and it was time to go to our first period class. I didn't want to go but hey at least I'm expecting whats happening today.

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