Part 10

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I opened my eyes slowly to be hit by a light coming from a window. I blinked rapidly, adjusting to it whilst sitting up slowly in the bed. It looked like the blizzard had calmed down a lot which meant we'd be moving again. I liked it here, it was cozy and me and Ward got close, very close.

I knew what I had done was probably going to haunt me. It was going to come around and slap me in the face at one point. Maybe it was a mistake? It didn't feel like a mistake.

I searched the floor to see where my clothes were chucked. I couldn't stay in bed naked because then I'd make the same mistake again. I looked next to me to see Ward laying there, sleeping peacefully. 

He was great. I mean, all my emotions entwining with the sex? It was rough, dirty but amazing. I let go completely, I let him have all of me and whether that was a big mistake or not, it was too late. 

If I ever saw Shield again, they could never know about this. They'd kill me if Hydra didn't. Especially Lance. Everything about this felt wrong but it felt so good. I was happy and Ward was definitely happy.

I reached down and grabbed my top, slipping it on slowly before hands wrapped around my waist and dragged me down onto the bed gently.

"I like it better off you" He grinned, still looking sleepy. I smiled at him slightly, feeling embarrassed. It wasn't like it was a one night stand or anything but...He was the enemy, I slept with the enemy.

"We can't stay in bed all day. You know that" 

"Are you worried?" He raised an eyebrow, easily noticing that I was worried about Hydra finding us, I was even worried Shield would now. How embarrassing would it be if they walked through the door whilst we're laying here, naked?

"I never get a happy ending, Ward. Something will come and ruin it" I whispered and he kissed my forehead shaking his head.

"I never get a happy ending either so maybe the both of us together means we will finally get the happy ending we deserve" I knew he was trying to comfort me but it didn't help. 

"The blizzards calmed down" I changed the subject quickly and he glanced at the window before looking down at me again. "That means they'll be after us again"

"They won't find us" He stood up slowly, slipping on a top whilst I admired his cute butt...I couldn't help myself.

"They're trained in that area. They can easily track us down" I sat up again, grabbing my trousers and putting them on quickly.

"So am I. Look, I lead them astray. Shield and Hydra had a little meeting" He turned to me smiling but I shot up in a heartbeat and frowned at him.

"What do you mean had a little meeting?" I questioned him and his smile dropped. "Ward. If you put my brother in danger-"

"They can handle themselves. It was just a distraction"

"You don't know that! Hunter could've been hurt! Or worse!" He clenched his jaw but I could see he was trying to control his anger. How dare he put my brother in danger just to let us get further away? I'd rather be caught than have my brother be hurt because of me. 

"I did it for us Jess"

"You do not, I repeat not put anyone's life in danger just to help us" I walked up to him sighing. "Maybe that was the way you did things before but not now. I'm not having anyone die because of me"

"It won't be because of you. It'd be my fault" He smiled at me sadly before mumbling "It's always my fault"

"It doesn't have to be that way. We can do things the right way and still get away" I hugged him tight trying to comfort him. "No one has to get hurt"

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