Part 2

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We all got ready and by that I mean I kept asking if I needed my gun for this mission. Daisy told me we didn't need to hurt him but just talk to him. If any violence was needed her and Lance would deal with it without killing him. It's not about me shooting or killing anyone, it just makes me feel safe.

"We've narrowed down places he could be" Lance told me as he stopped the car. "Jess, you need to stay behind us just incase this goes south"

"I get it" I nodded. "I'm kind of observing, seeing how things get done" I quickly got out the car, Lance and Daisy joined me as we went to search for the fog. We knew what the inhuman looked like, he was tall, dark hair and skinny built. Obviously when he went fog mode it was a dark grey fog, not that hard to find surely.

"So, you guys ready to get high?" I grinned at them but they shot me a dirty look. They didn't find my jokes funny, especially when an inhuman was close by. "Sorry, I'll control myself" I whispered following them as they searched for him. 

"I think I should go in first. If he uses his fog then you know what to do" Lance told Daisy who nodded at him. I felt like the odd one out, the one that got pushed to the back because I had no experience. I wanted to help and to lighten the mood but I couldn't do anything. I had to observe, learn and then repeat until they trust me to get involved.

I'm thankful Coulson let me get involved with this mission though. It took a lot of trust after I spent so much time at Hydra. He probably pitied me, I think Daisy did a little which is why she wanted to be my SO. I didn't want to be pitied though, I wanted everyone to respect me. 

"Wait, is that him?" Lance whispered to Daisy, I looked to where he was looking and see a man glance at us before running into a factory. "Yeah, that's him" Lance and Daisy started running after him leaving me standing there with a decision to make. Do I hang back or do I follow them? I couldn't be left out in the open, Hydra could be around the corner! Lance would be mad at me either way and I'd rather be drugged then kidnapped again. So I ran after them into the factory but I couldn't see them. 

"Daisy?" I whispered, searching for them but being aware of my surroundings. The inhuman could be hiding, he could be in fog form ready to smother me. 

Then I heard laughter. A sweet, high pitched laughter come from behind some sort of packing machine. I ran towards it knowing that was Daisy, she had a laugh that could make everyone smile. 

I turned the corner to see her and she stood there, like she was popping some invisible bubbles whilst still laughing. Fog man.

I sighed and stepped in front of her snapping my fingers, trying to bring her back. She just seemed so out of it, like she was in another world.

"That won't work" I heard a deep voice come from behind me and let my arm fall. "She'll be like that for at least fifteen minutes" I turned round to see the inhuman standing there smiling at me.

"You need to stop" I tried to keep my voice confident, strong yet I was never that type. "Look, I know your powers can have a good effect on people but a few people have seen the bad!" I tried explaining but he seemed to pace up and down, not really paying attention to me.

"I've seen the bad" He admitted to me. "Maybe only the bad people get the bad rush" He stopped and turned to me, "That's how you eliminate them" 

"What? No!" I felt a little anger rise up inside me, I had more control of it now ever since Daisy helped me. I don't have to give in to my anger or my hatred. "You don't know that. It can affect people by what mood they're in, what they've been through. It doesn't mean you're a bad person!" 

"It doesn't matter anyway. They love me out there. I'm giving them a free drug! They crave more, they crave me" 

"But you're hurting people! Look, you seem like your heart's in the right place but you need to come with us, we can help you control it" I pleaded and suddenly his hands began forming into a dark grey cloud.

"I don't need to go anywhere. I can control it myself" He smirked then suddenly disappeared. A thick dark grey fog appeared, sweeping it's way across the floor towards me. I began running because let's face it, I had no idea what else to do! I could see the fog coming from either side of me, slowly meeting in the middle making me stop. Then in a quick motion, It lifted up and consumed me.

I blinked rapidly, seeing that the fog was clearing. I tried to take a step forwards yet my legs wouldn't move. I tried to move my pinky finger yet that wouldn't move either. I was stuck, I was paralysed. My heart beat began picking up a faster rhythm as I began to panic. I needed to get out of here, I needed to escape this fog...

Then the room faded to black. It was like someone had turned the lights off, I was stuck in a pitch black room. My hearing started going funny, I could hear Daisy laugh yet it was like it was in slow motion and her pitched changed to a deep one. I closed my eyes, trying to block out her laugh as I could hear my own heart beat trying to escape my chest. I was terrified. 

I gasped as I stepped forwards a little, I was able to move again? I opened my eyes but it was still pitch black. I tried running, maybe it would help if I found a light? I ran as fast as I could but I didn't feel right. I felt ill, sick and terrified. 

I felt a sharp pain hit my head as I fell backwards onto the floor. I looked around me trying to find the source of the pain, what caused it? I tried to stand up again but I couldn't, I felt exhausted and I was in pain. I just wanted to curl up and sleep.

That was until I heard a deep, familiar laugh come from behind me. I could feel all the hair on my neck stand up as I slowly turned around. I trembled as a hand reached up and cupped my face. He was kneeling down, smiling at me but had his head tilted slightly. Ward was here, he was coming to take me.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I tried to get away from him but was paralyzed by fear. I thought I could face him, I thought I could kick his ass but I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. 

"You'll never see them again" He whispered, letting out a sick twisted laugh. "You're mine, you will always be mine"

"N...No" I whispered, closing my eyes tight and screaming. I sat on the floor screaming and crying then suddenly his touch disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes to see Lance crawling towards me, barely able to drag his body to me but yet he seemed to find the strength to do so. I watched him as he looked at me horrified. "No" I whispered before every muscle in my body decided to give up on me, my back hit the floor and without permission my eyes decided to close sending me back to the darkness.

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