Part 5

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Ward's POV:

I knew that when Jessica woke up, she'd be full of hate. She didn't know the truth, she didn't know that I had nothing to do with her parents. Shield twisted her mind, made her assume that it was me. It always me that has to pay the price for Shields actions. I didn't trust her being at Shield but then I didn't trust Hydra with her either. 

I wish that Jessica was never brought into this mess, she was just trying to live her life until her brothers actions made things spiral out of my control. This doesn't just put her in danger but also me, if Hydra found out about my feelings for her they'd kill us instantly without hesitation, well, they could at least try. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I hate to admit it but I've developed a soft spot for her. As much as I try and fight it, knowing that it'll only make me weak, It's too strong for me to deny it. 

We need each other whether we want to admit that or not. She needs me to protect her from Shield and Hydra, they act like the good guys but their hands are as dirty as mine. I know why they recruited her, to them she's just another pawn in their sick game. They're using her like a puppet on strings to lure Hydra and me out. I couldn't have her staying there whilst they dangled her like a worm on a hook, waiting for the catch. She's in too much danger there, the only way I truly know she's safe is if she's with me. 

I watched as she started fidgeting, slowly opening her eyes to look around the glass cell she was in. She started looking around the room confused, searching for something until her eyes met mine and she gave me an icy glare. 

"Leave" I stood up, ordering the Hydra agents out of the room. As they left the door clicked, sealing and locking us inside. I started walking around the glass cell, watching her but her eyes never followed me around the room. "I know what what you're thinking, I know what you're feeling but you need to trust me" 

"How about you trust me and open this glass door? I swear I won't kick your ass" She faced me, giving me a sarcastic smile. I'm glad she still has her humour, I don't think that Shield could take that away from her.

"You know I can't let you out. I have orders" 

"Then I order you to let me out" She stood up facing me, I immediately stopped walking and stood opposite her in front of the glass. "I order you to stop ruining people's lives, especially mine" She frowned and her eyes started to water. I knew she was in pain but I couldn't take it away yet. I needed time and her trust which wasn't going to be easy.

"You don't understand yet, Jess" I sighed as she stepped back, she looked like she was going to scream.

"You don't understand! I don't want this! I want to go back to Shield but no you come along and kidnap me not once but twice!" I frowned which only made her laugh at me. "What? Did I hit a nerve? Did I actually get through that wall which was guarding your emotions? I thought that the famous Grant Ward was incapable of feeling!" She let out a sarcastic laugh but I made sure to keep my expression neutral. She was only saying this because she was confused and angry at me, I don't blame her though, I caused this. She just doesn't know the true purpose of this.

"I see you're angry at me" I smiled slightly, pointing out the obvious just to keep her talking. If she let out some pent up anger it would be better for us in the long run. She banged her fist against the glass but I didn't flinch. The doors suddenly open and two guards came in making her back away.

"Malick wants to speak to you" One of them told me and I nodded, looking at Jess one last time before I left. I knew that whenever Malick called me to him it would be something bad but now that we had Jess here, It'd be worse. I knew that the talk would involve her somehow but I wouldn't let her life be put in danger, I'm not shield and I'm not Hydra either. 

The guards walked into the room first, I stepped in and went straight to Malick who sat in his leather chair waiting for me. 

"Ah Ward, I've seen you've obtained the girl. Your reckless behaviour has nearly cost us the inhuman" He stood up slowly, standing in front of me. "I'm not sure what it is with this Shield agent but you're becoming distracted. It ends now" He nodded to the guards and then turned back to me. I knew what he was going to say, I knew that he wanted her gone. 

"I believe that she will be a good asset for us. Keeping her here will only benefit us and lure Shield out" I told him, trying to sway his thoughts. 

"That may be so but we don't need her. She has no purpose here when we have the inhuman on her side. I need you to terminate the problem before it spirals out of control"

"You told me that I had to obtain Jess right at the start" I needed him to change his mind desperately, I knew that if he didn't...Everything would change. 

"I told you to kill her at the start, not take her. Not play mind games with Shield. If you followed through with your orders from the start then this would never have happened" I knew Malick was right, If I had killed Jess from the start then we wouldn't be in this mess, but I'm in too deep now. I knew what I had to do.

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