Chapter 22- Pushing People Out Of Windows... Again.

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened in glee as Sherlock hung up the phone and stared Neilson down. "You're lucky, you know." Sherlock stated and Neilson jerked his head questioningly. "I could let my associate here let all her anger out on you. You've seen what she's capable of. I doubt you'd be walking out of here."

"Alive." I added and Sherlock smirked at me, albeit looking a bit scared. "What? It's true." I commented and crouched in front of Neilson. "Need any help with him Sherlock?"

Sherlock patted my shoulder. "Open the window, would you Darcy?"

I smirked evilly at Neilson. "My pleasure." By the time I'd gotten over to the window, the same one we threw one of Sherlock's attackers out of a year ago or so, Sherlock had already gotten Neilson in a choke hold and had brought him towards the open window.

Of course Neilson was struggling but his legs had been tied together and so couldn't get very far. I crossed my arms as Sherlock held Neilson's head out the window. "Yeah, bad idea to upset Sherlock Holmes, Agent Neilson. Remember that." I said quite threateningly.

Neilson opened his mouth to say something but it got cut off with a scream as Sherlock pushed him out the window. I watched as he landed on the bins in the alley and I chuckled as he let out an agonised groan.

Sherlock immediately hurried towards the door and I followed him down the stairs. "What are you doing?" I called after him and he stopped at the front door.

"Go check on Mrs Hudson." He stated and pulled the door open. "There's something I need to do."

For once I did as Sherlock asked and went into Mrs Hudson's flat, John was still attending to her wounds and I leant against the kitchen counter. "Hey, Darcy?" John asked, not turning to face me and I mumbled in reply. "Put the kettle, would you?"

I glared at the back of his head and rolled my eyes, filling the kettle and flicking it on. As I went to get the cups from the cupboard there was another clattering sound from outside. I jumped and dropped a cup, leaning over to the window to see Neilson splayed out but in a different position to before.

"Did he just?" John gasped and looked out the window with me.

I smirked and went back to the kettle. "Yep." I went to pour the drinks and minutes later there was another loud bang from outside. "Third times a charm." I commented with a smile and handed Mrs Hudson a cup of tea, she took it with shaky hands and John sat her down.

The constant crashing continued for a couple more minutes until it got dark and blue lights flashed outside. I left my cup of tea and John with Mrs Hudson, then made my way out of her flat. Sherlock was nowhere in sight and so I went out onto the street to see him stood waiting for Lestrade to get out of his car.

I strolled over to stand beside him as Lestrade approached, a worried look on his face. "Everyone alright?" He asked straight away. "Anything taken?"

"Nope." I answered pointedly and crossed my arms to keep the cold off. "We made sure of that."

Lestrade looked sceptically at me and waved the paramedics around to where the unconscious and injured Neilson was. He moved to stand next to Sherlock. "And exactly how many times did he fall out the window?" He asked accusingly.

"It's all a bit of a blur, Detective Inspector. I lost count." Sherlock stated and watched as they loaded Neilson into the ambulance and started to drive away.

Lestrade looked between us and sighed, not even bothering to say anything, before walking away from us. "It was lovely to see you, Detective." I said after him and turned quickly when I realised Sherlock had left me outside.

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