Me, Myself, and The Expendables

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I saw my dad when I was little, I haven't seen him in years. My mom wants to send me to New Orleans to see him, but I refuse because she needs me here.

"Mom! You told him to come and pick me up? You need me here!" I cried out as she told me the news. "Villiena needs me!"

"It doesn't need help, everything is going perfectly here. Why don't you go surf or something you need to calm down."

"Okay, just one more question." I said as she paused at the doorway. "When is he coming?"

"He'll be here in in a couple of hours, but he's bringing his friends too. They're staying for a couple of weeks." She said looking at me.

"Mom I didn't mean to sound rude if I did, I'm just scared of leaving. I'm going to surf." I said pulling my dark hair back into a ponytail as she walked out.

Surfing is the one thing that relaxes me. The salty air, the thrill of riding the waves, and just the joy of it. I sat on my board and was looking up at the sky when I saw a plane land somewhere, not wanting to be nosy when I heard someone holler

"Look at her!"

"Shut up Gunnar that's my daughter. What is she doing?" I heard another as I kept setting out on my surf board.

"Just watch Barney, she doesn't get her athleticism form me." I heard my mom say quietly.

I finally caught a big wave and shredded it, and tunneled it, something I had done in years. I ditched my surfboard and dove into the ocean. I swam around until sunset which was like 10 minutes.

"So after all these years I get to see my little girl. How have you been?" My dad asked as mom walked back into the house.

"Keeping mom from falling apart mostly, I have a couple of friends, I surf, read, make YouTube videos when I can, and oh yea I'm 15." I said picking up my board that had the tattoo on the black guy's shoulder.  

"I see you know what my team's symbol is, who told you?

"Mom showed it to me, never knew it was yours."

"You gotta think something's fishy when she showed you it."

"Nah it just felt right to use it. Don't know why though." I  said brushing off the couple grains of sand off the raven that sat on the skull.

"Like father, like daughter. You have training in the morning 8:00, right here don't be late." He said as I walked into the house and up to my room where my lap top set and I called my friends on Skype.

"Your what?"

"You can't leave!"

"What we do with out you?"

"Girls, girls, calm down we can still communicate as long as we have phones, laptops, and internet. It's not like I'm going away forever, it's just to New Orleans, Louisiana in a week. As much fun as you have here with me you can have without me." I said to the 3 girls I had in one group call.

"I hope, can we come over tonight?" Serena asked as I heard someone walk down the hall.

"Nope sorry I have to get to bed, I have plans tomorrow, that is if I can sleep, I should go sit out on the roof." I said leaning against the mess of pillows on my bed.

"Didn't you have meds for that?' Maria asked as I doodled on my arm with a sharpie.

"Used to, used the last up night before. Okay girls I'll call you tomorrow. goodnight." I said hanging up.

"Beca it's  Barney, open up." I heard my dad's rough growl say.

"Door's unlocked." I said shutting my laptop and setting it aside as he walked in.

"Can we talk?"

"Go ahead, what is said in this room doesn't leave this room."

"I was wondering if your mom shows you all this stuff, why doesn't she tell you who they came from?" He asked sitting on my bed

"I don't honestly know, me and her never really bond. She tells me that I look like a lot like you. The brown eyes, black hair, pale skin, the way sometimes I act like you, the pouted lips, I just never met you that well, so I didn't recognize it. the only thing I get from her is stubbornness." I said looking at him.

"Yea your definitely a carbon copy of me, you want to go to school in New Orleans? I totally understand if you don't want to."

"Nah, I hate all sorts of girl drama and any type for that matter. I prefer to be off throwing knives or shooting guns. An assignation would be okay."

"You are like your dad, why don't you tell me some normal things like favorite things?'

"Okay, well my 2 favorite colors are electric blue and black, don't have a favorite food, weapon of choice would be a magnum 66 revolver, if I could have any brand of motorcycle it would be a tie between a Harley and a Kawasaki Vulcan, and I can draw, see?" I said sticking out my arm to show him the work I did with my lucky sharpie.

"You don't get that from me or your mom, your uncle Tool has a very good artistic skill. He's a tattoo artist and runs his own shop called Tool's Tattoos. When we get to New Orleans we'll get you some ink okay? Just don't tell your mom." He said as I smiled back to him the way he smiled at me

"Of course not, she'd have a heart attack and make me stay here. Wouldn't want that to happen do you?"

"Nope, I think its pretty cool having a daughter like me. Get some sleep. We need a nickname for ya? What are some of your ideas?"

"I like Angel, sweet but deadly." I said as he stood up and walked over to my door.

"I like it, see you in the morning, try to catch some shut eye." He said closing the door behind him. I looked at the clock 10:30, time for bed. I had a very long day ahead.

Angel here! I hope you like it so far, I haven't decided which one im going to romance with, but I will soon. Amy of you haters out there who think Rebeca's to young to be an expendable I don't give a shit. Quit reading for all I care, and if you  love it keep reading, it's going to get interesting pretty soon I swear.

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