10| Back to the Beginning

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'Ha!' he laughed, 'Yes, Katherine Pierce was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes upon. She used her looks to make most men do as she pleased and used compulsion on those who did not fall for her pretty face so easily.'

'And which were you?' I teased.

'At first I did fall for her without any persuasion, but once I learned the truth of what she was, Katherine compelled me to stay with her.' He said.

'I'm sorry,' I said, placing my hand upon his shoulder, 'It must have been very hard for you.'

Stefan placed his hand atop mine, 'Damon and I died trying to save her and she died soon after. I lost my life, I lost the woman who I thought I loved but the worst part was that I also lost my brother. He was my best friend, we were inseparable, and we were never the same after that day.'

Stefan gave my hand a squeeze, 'Now that you know the truth, I guess you don't want me near your sister.'

I shook my head, 'She cares about you, and you her. Elena need someone like you in her life. Just promise me you'll protect her and never hurt her.'

'I promise,' He swore to me.

I smiled at him. 'Then you better start by attending the Night of the Comet event. Elena will be at the town square and you need to apologise for earlier.'

'You're right,' Stefan agreed.

'Of course, I'm right,' I smirked, 'I'm always right.'

Stefan laughed and pulled me into a sideways hug while we still sat on the couch.

'Thank you for understanding,' He whispered, 'Whenever you want to know more, just let me know,'

I nodded and allowed myself to relax in Stefan's arms. For once, I was able to let all my worries disappear. Though he didn't tell me that he was a vampire when we meet, I was still glad to know him. We were connected by our want to protect those we cared about.

The simple truth was that we were stronger together rather then apart. I just hoped it stayed that way.


'He's on the rebound and has raging family issues,' I heard Elena complain as I walked into the kitchen.

'Well, at least it's an ex-girlfriend,' Jenna replied, 'Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues or cheating issues. Or amphetamine issues.'

'You sure know how to pick 'em, don't you Jenna?' I laughed.

'Oh, yes,' She grinned, 'My fails in life are legendary and very well documented.'

'So, did he say anything?' Elena asked, trying to act like she didn't really care.

'All I got was that his brother, Damon, just returned to town and it was kind of a shock to Stefan as they haven't spoken to each other in a while.' It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the whole truth.

Elena nodded slowly, 'He could have at least mentioned a brother when we asked him about siblings.'

'Typically, he never said that he didn't have a brother,' I said, defending Stefan, 'he just said that he had no siblings which he talks too.'

Elena put down the knife she had been using to prepare dinning on the table, 'Why are you defending him?'

I sighed, 'Because Lena...he's a good guy and I've become friends with him. And...believe it or not, I like the way he makes you feel. You deserve to be happy, and I think that maybe he could help you be happy.'

Burn With You | THE VAMPIRE DIAIRESWhere stories live. Discover now