4| Can't Look Away

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Jenna's parental talk wasn't as parental as I had imagined. When Elena and I had returned home, Elena had disappeared into the bathroom to clean up her leg as I went into the kitchen only to find Aunt Jenna sitting at the breakfast table with piles of books and papers in front of her.

'I realise that your parents death was hard on you, Ena, but it was hard on all of us.' She had said as I sat down beside her.

'I know, Jen, but I swear I had my reasons and one day I'll tell you...but right now I am just glad to be home.'

Jenna put her pen down and looked at me.

'I can live with that,' she smiled, 'Just please don't leave like that again. I missed you like crazy. You're my niece but we're also friends, right?'

I got up and pulled Jenna into a tight hug, 'Of course we are.'

I was Jeremy and Elena's older sister, but Jenna was the person who I had considered my big sister, even though she was my aunt.

'I'm meeting Caroline at the grill. I'll see you later?' I said pulling away.

'Ok, have fun. Wait, I got this. Don't stay out late, it's a school night.' Jenna replied, winking at me.

'Well done, Jen.' I laughed, 'Lena! I'm heading out. Wanna lift?'

Elena appeared at the top of the stairs in a fresh set of clothes, 'I'm coming, I'm coming.'

'Do you mind?' Asked Elena as I grabbed her leather jacket which was hanging up by the door.

'No, go ahead.' She replied.

I took off my cardigan and replaced it with Elena's jacket; it fit perfectly.

'Oh.' Elena gasped as she opened the door to find Stefan standing on the porch.

'Sorry, I was about to knock.' He said,  'I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was... Strange.'

'That's one way of putting it.' I said cynically. Stefan looked at me, a smile threatening to escape across his lips.

'No worries.' Elena spoke, ignoring my comment, 'I get it, blood makes you squeamish.'

'Um, something like that. How's your leg?' he replied, scratching his head.

'Oh, it's fine. Just a scratch, barely.' Elena said shrugging it off.

'How did you know where we lived?' I interrupted.

'It's a small town. I asked the first person I saw,' He said looking at me before returning his attention to my sister, 'Um, I thought you might want this back.'

Stefan held out Elena's green covered journal.

'Oh, I must have dropped it. I-- Thank you.'

'Don't worry, I didn't...read it.' He said embarrassed. 

'No? Why not? Most people would have.' Elena held her diary close to her chest as if to keep her secrets close.

'Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.' Stefan replied honestly.

'You keep a journal?' she asked.

Stefan nodded. 'Yeah, if I don't write it down, I forget it. Memories are too important.'

He had a point, memories were important. Mom had tried to teach me that.

When Mom had bought Elena her first journal she had gotten me one too. It had been red and mom had gotten my name pressed into the leather. I had written in it everyday for a whole year and then stopped. I got in to the wrong crowds and writing my feelings in a journal seemed pointless. Looking back now, I regretted not taking the time to put my thoughts to paper.

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