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======================your outfit at top/side ======================

*beep beep beep beep* You groan as You hit your alarm to shut it up and climb out of bed and as slowly as possible walk down stairs have breakfast a nice hot shower head back to your room and dress in jeans, a white t-shirt, red bomber jacket, ribbon necklace and red converses once you were dressed you started walking to school as you entered the school grounds you got weird stares but shook it off and kept walking you stopped in front of your locker pulled out your schedule you had maths first followed by gym, geography, lunch, tech studies, spelling and art. you grab the first books that you needed and slowly walked to math class.

======================word count: 174
This story is a trial and error please correct any of my mistakes in the comments p.s. this is my first proper story and is a reader POV so enjoy p.p.s what should my fans name be if I ever get any:( love you my readers

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