Chapter 1

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Hey guys,

So I've been on Wattpad a while now, and I've been reading some really fab stories and fanfics, and I thought it was about time I posted something of my own. As a Johnlock shipper, this seemed only logical. Also, there isn't nearly enough Teenlock on Wattpad, so...

This is one of my first Johnlock fanfictions, and it might be a bit rusty, so please bear with me. If there are any hideous mistakes, let me know, and also if you have any ideas or other feedback, again, vote, comment, tell your friends.

Well, here goes nothing!

~The Effect


John Watson gaped as the car rolled up to his new school. This would be his home from now until the summer holidays, in 9 months time.

The prospectus had stated that Lauriston Gardens was a combined sixth form and university, on the same campus. John had wondered at the time how big it would have to be to provide adequate facilities. He could see now.

The imposing structure towered over the large grounds, pale brickwork rising from the ground like it had grown there. The ivy covered walls housed hundreds of seemingly tiny windows spread evenly around one massive set of dark red wooden doors.

As they drove up the driveway, John listened to the crunching of stones beneath the tyres and watched the evenly spaced trees go by.

Everything was perfect. The trees were all of the same height, with no flyaway branches, even the lawns, it seemed, had been cut to a precise length. Through the trees, John glimpsed a cricket strip, and the tips of some rugby posts, peeking over another row of trees. The grounds were endless fields of lush green.

At 17 years of age, John had seen his fair share of enormous buildings and vast grounds, but this was in a league of its own.

As the car pulled to a stop, John said farewell to his parents, promised to stay in touch, and took his case from the boot. Then he stood and watched as his parents joined the queue of cars trying to leave the school grounds.

He was on his own.

First of all, John decided, he should find his room and dump his bag. Then he could do some exploring, maybe with his roommate, depending on who it turned out to be. So yes, first things first. Room.

He dragged his case up to the imposing doors and joined the small crowd of other people trying to get in. He wondered whether each of these people were nice, hard working, nasty, or sporty, and if any of them would be his friend.

Previously, John hadn't exactly had an issue with friends, just there was no one he really wanted to spend time with. Sure, the guys on the rugby team were friendly enough, but they did some things that John hadn't liked, so he hadn't really hung out with them.

He made it through the doors and into the foyer, which was even more intimidating than the doors that preceded it. It had a high ceiling, in dark, cherry wood, held up by four tall, panelled walls. There were three doors out of the room, two on one wall, and one on the opposite. The two side by side were labeled Boys' Dormitory, and Girls' Dormitory, in slanting script. In the centre of the room were three fold away tables, labeled A-I, J-R, and S-Z.

John stepped up to the temporary desk labeled S-Z, and waited patiently in the short queue.

"Name?" The kindly looking woman over the desk asked.

"Watson. John Watson."

She rifled systematically through the files until she came to his name.

"Here you go, love. Your room is 221, block B, so I'll be your housemother. That means that if you have any problems or need to ask a question, you can come to me. My name's Mrs Hudson. You need to go through that door there, up one flight of stairs, through the common room, and down the first corridor on the left. There's a map in here in case you get lost." She handed him a red lever arch file, with a selection of papers inside. "You can use the folder for your schoolwork."

Love is a Much More Vicious Motivator (Teenlock AU)Where stories live. Discover now