The Truth Revealed

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Quill couldn't help but narrow his eyes as Daniel Burgess pulled open the front door of his house. He had grown taller, his face meaner. His eyes looked tired and his mouth seemed set in a permanent scowl. He really didn't look that different from when they had first met. The way Daniel looked at him told Quill he didn't know quite who he was, but that there was something familiar. Good. Quill might be able to use that to his advantage.

Daniel stared at Indigo for a long time before slamming the door in their faces. They stood just outside, stunned for a moment.

"Figures," Indigo muttered.

Quill reached out and knocked on the door again. Daniel opened it again a second later.

"Get out of here," he hissed. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

"We need your help," Indigo said again. "Well... not your help specifically but your parents. They are here, right?"

"No, no one is home except me," Daniel said.

"Yeah, that is utter bullshit," Indigo said.

"Daniel," Mary's voice called from somewhere beyond the foyer. "Who is it?"

"No one!" Daniel snapped. "Go away."

Indigo didn't hesitate. She pushed past Daniel into the house with the little strength she had left. Quill followed suit, their hands still locked together. "Is my Nana here?"

Daniel looked awestruck. He pushed his hair out of his eyes with an exasperated groan. "Get out of my house, damn it!"

"Daniel!" Mary called again. "What is going on?" They could hear footsteps moving toward the foyer. Daniel grabbed Quill's shoulder and started shoving him out the door. Quill shook him off with a look of disgust.

"Don't touch me," he growled.

Mary Burgess entered the room and froze in her tracks.

"Hi Mrs. Burgess. Is my Nana here?" Indigo asked with a pained smile.

"What... on earth do you think you're doing here?"

"We need help. Please, Mrs. Burgess, is my Nana here?"

Mary looked over her and Quill then turned her attention to Daniel.

"Close the door, right now!"

Daniel glared at her. "No. I want to know what this lower class filth is doing in my house. Didn't you die?"

"Funny story about that actually," Indigo said. "But first, I need to talk to my Nana. And your husband," she said to Mary. "If I may."

Mary looked like she wanted very much to argue, but then her eyes landed on Indigo's injured shoulder, took note of her belabored breathing, the white flush of her face, and her gaze softened.

"Lord, child, what happened to you?"

"I'll explain everything," Indigo said. "May we?"

Mary sighed and shut the front door, shooting Daniel a withering glare as she did so. "Very well," she said. "Follow me, please."

Hand in hand, Quill and Indigo followed Mary as she led the way down the hall.

"Mary, who is it?" Nigel asked.

"It appears we have some... unexpected visitors," Mary explained as she entered the kitchen. "Although, whether they were really all that unexpected... I'm not so sure."

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