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Milo sat once again in the Pilot's chair. He had taken a short nap after dinner, and felt much more refreshed than he had before. He was leaning back, his feet up on the consul, staring at the darkness beyond the window before him. He heard someone sit down in the chair beside him and tore his eyes away from the void. Garrett was now seated beside him, his face tired.

"Everything good up here?" he asked.

"Yeah," Milo replied. "Everything good with you?"

Garrett brushed his hand over his forehead and over the top of his head with a sigh. "Yeah, it's all good."

"Doesn't sound like it..."

"I'm just tired is all. It's been a long day."

"Tell me about it," Milo said with a chuckle. "How's everyone else doing?"

"Jen and Eve found a room and went to bed a little while ago. I think Psi is back in the infirmary and Quill is probably exactly where I left him."

"He okay?"

"Last I checked, which was about twenty minutes ago, he was still out cold. But like I told you, he'll be fine. This kind of thing happens sometimes. He'll get through it, he always does. Why do you care, anyway? You guys really don't seem to like each other."

Milo shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I kind of feel responsible... I mean, I was arguing with him just before... whatever it was that happened happened."

"Dude, don't feel bad. It's really not your fault. It's just the way Quill is. He's dealt with it for almost as long as I've known him. There are a lot of factors that contribute. Just trust me on this."

Milo nodded. "So what about you?"

"What about me?"

"What's your story?"

"Pretty similar to Quill's minus... you know. I spent most of my life living in the city, not a lot of money, not a lot of food, not a whole lot of respect, you know? But I met Molly about two years ago, and she convinced her dad to let me come live with them and things were pretty good after that. But they only had one two-person airship, so they had to leave me behind. They didn't want to leave me, but I insisted."

"Molly your girlfriend or something?"

"Yeah, Molly's my girlfriend. My gorgeous, amazing, sweet girlfriend. I really hope I get to see her again. It's only been... maybe twenty-four hours since I last saw her and I already miss her like hell." Garrett grinned for a minute. "You got a girl?" he asked Milo.

"Huh? Oh, no... not really."

"Really? I thought maybe you and Indigo...?"

"No, not at all. She's like a sister to me... She's also made it pretty clear that she doesn't see me that way."

"How? If I've learned anything about life, it's that we often misinterpret the signals we receive from others to reflect our own doubts in ourselves."

"She's just... different, I don't know. I've known her my entire life and she's never expressed any interest in anyone... not romantically, at least. And I don't know, I just don't think of her that way."

"That's a shame, you guys'd be cute together."

"Wait, what? Really?"

"Sure. I mean, it's pretty clear you guys love each other- I'm not saying in what way," he added quickly when Milo began to protest. "But if she's not into it, don't force it on her."

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