12; no problem

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justin: you want to know something?

selena: no

justin: well thats not nice

selena: and i care because?

justin: /:

selena: what

justin: why are you being so rude

selena: because i can, now what do you want?

justin: whats got your panties twisted, you my friend need to chill

selena: is that why you texted me for? to ask about my problems?
selena: if so, im not telling you so stop texting me

justin: no /: i was going to tell you that....
justin: well never mind

selena: ok 🙄
selena: bye

justin: are you okay?

selena: no, now leave me the fuck alone

justin: i can help if you want? im good at giving out advice (:
justin: or just listen

selena: great but i don't think you can help with this

justin: okay, well hope everything sorts out for you

selena: kay thanks

justin: no problem
justin: i will always be here for you
justin: no matter what, i promise.

selena: please don't make promises that you can't keep
selena: i can not stand any more fake people in my life

justin: don't worry i got you

selena: thanks? i guess?

justin: no problem
justin: keep your head up, don't let your crown fall off
read 5:48pm

new imessage 9:10pm

selena: honestly thank you for everything, i know we haven't met in real life and we haven't even got to know each other that well but i can feel a great attraction to you— like if we have known each other for a long time now and im happy that you are willing to help me when my actual "friends" don't even ask if im okay , sorry about that whole rant ^ oh, and im okay so don't worry about me (doubt you were but im just telling you lol) but thank you again (: i gtg but ttyl hopefully

aw, sel is so cuteee

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