Chapter Seven

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A/N who's a bad bitch that's updating on time? This girl. Also, I'm starting a new theme where I put a picture in the media or maybe just before the writing starts as a precursor to the chapter itself!! This chapter is dedicated to  because she gave me the idea for this.

After awhile Stiles couldn't stand it anymore

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After awhile Stiles couldn't stand it anymore. His heart hurt too much. He felt like he was about to burst. So he left. He walked away from life, he took a step back and took a week long vacation.

Allison couldn't help but notice. She felt his absence in class, and now she felt Scott's stares. She hadn't realized it before, but Stiles protected her from Scott and all his emotion. She couldn't stand it. She hated the fact that Scott still loved her after he left. He was a big baby. And while she noticed Stiles's absence she didn't see Isaac's or Lydia's.

Scott couldn't care less about Stiles. At least that's what he told himself. He couldn't help wonder why. Stiles always informed him when he was sick. Scott still wanted friendship; he still wanted a relationship. He wanted the good old days of a cinnamon roll relationship. Of being a love sick instead of lovelorn. He just wanted his 'life' back. But that life was about to be all but destroyed.


It had been a week, and Stiles had come back. Scott had smelled him the moment his jeep parked outside. But Stiles didn't smell like himself. Not the way Scott remembered. When he was human, you could smell it on him, the same thing with the Nogitsune.

But Stiles smelt good. Intoxicating. Scott felt himself being pulled to him. But he refused wondering why we felt this way. Scott looked around, any supernatural creature was being pulled towards Stiles. Scott wanted to know why, so he followed them.

Just as Scott stepped outside, Stiles got out of his Jeep. The scent only got stronger. Scott felt wonderful.

Stiles was wearing a big read hoodie and he kept pulling at the sleeves, but Scott didn't want to know why. He just wanted to be around Stiles. When Scott finally pulled himself out of his trance he marched right up to Stiles and asked him what happened.

"What do you mean what happened?" Gulped Stiles nervously.

"You're different. Good different. You smell amazing, and you're radiating an aura of power. It's intoxicating. Stiles what happened to you?" Scott demanded. But it struck a wrong chord in his bones to demand something from him.

"Nothing happened. I'm the same okay?" Said Stiles a little too forcefully. He stalked to class blowing past everyone. Even people who weren't supernatural felt the power emanating from Stiles.

His teachers even felt like they were lower than him, and he was a student! They just knew he wasn't, he wasn't human anymore. He was something special.

Scott looked up the feeling, only one result came up. Scott knew what Stiles was. And he was going to do something about it.

After school Stiles was sitting under a tree doing his homework oblivious to the stares and whispers all around him.

Scott stalked up to him.

"I know what you are," he hissed pulling stiles off the ground. He pushed Stiles's jacket sleeve up his arm. It revealed a tattoo on his arm. It was the sigil of Lucifer. "And it's worse than I thought."

"You had no right," hissed Stiles tugging his sleeve down.

"I had no right? You stole my girlfriend, and became a freaking angel, and I have no right?!" Shouted Scott pushing Stiles.

"I didn't steal your girlfriend, Lydia spike the punch with an aphrodisiac for the two you. It's not my fault you didn't have the balls to go after her. And if you think I choose whatever the hell happened to me, you couldn't be more wrong. So before you make accusations about people, think before you speak," huffed Stiles. Scott looked like he had been punched in the gut. He looked at the crowd that surrounded him, and then ran away.

Stiles grabbed his stuff and drove his truck to the woods. As he walked to find a good clearing to have some peace and quiet he found himself by the Nematon.

"What do you want from me this time?" He mumbled. He dropped his bag by a nearby tree and then placed his hand atop the tree stump.

He clenched up and his eyes turned a light red. He took a deep breath and wings sprouted out of his back.

"That's so much better," he said. But it didn't sound like him at all. It sounded like something speaking through him. He stiffened. "Hello little brother," he smiled turning on his heal. A small boy walked out of the shadows.

"Hello Luci, like the new host. It suits you. Used to possess an evil Japanese spirit and now a Christian one," smirked the child looking and sounding older than the age he was.

"I'm not evil Gabe. You know that. That's why you brought me back. Why did you bring me back?" Asked Lucifer.

"There's something coming. Something bad. And I need your help. But not yours alone. The boy you're in has to be strong," replied Gabriel.

"What are you plan- you aren't meaning to..."

"Aren't I? He'll have to handle the both of us," smiled Gabriel pulling himself out of the little boy and settling his soul in Stiles's body.

"Well hurry up. We have work to do."

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