Palace Lazuli

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Today was yet another battle, us against Lazuli in hopes of a truce due to both of our kingdoms advancing to new rulers.

As far as my knowledge goes, there's no reason for our two kingdoms to be fighting, so commander chose to hopefully gain an alliance.

We sat in a cold, dry courtyard, waiting for the signal to go.

I sat with my brothers, Sehun and Ryan, Amethyst and Pearl.

Silence, we sat with a serenade of our racing heartbeats, too scared and dull to talk to each other, and far too worried about war to slow our hearts.

Our deep inhales and exhales sang in synchronization, making us feel truly together again, even though we weren't truly there, were we?

Soldiers started standing up and filing together, ready for some sort of battle, and hopefully a truce.

Suddenly a forceful hand gripped my shoulder.


"You lead today.  We might as well try to get you ready to lead, though I doubt you'll be successful.  You're on your own now, kid.  Are you aware of how many battles the soon to be queen of Lazuli has lead?"

His voice drone monotonous with every word he spoke.

After his speech and a couple grunts of confirmation, I sprinted to the front of the line of soldiers, mentally preparing myself for the request of truce.

As normal, I'd flash my Rose Diamond at some point, revealing my somewhat royal status, and I'd go with the flow after that.

We marched, with me in front, my head held high.

The battles we fought were in white suits with Rose emblems, gems usually fought while dressed in that type of manner.

I hadn't seen Lazuli up close, I hadn't interacted with them.

This was going to be fun.

Sector Rose Diamond approached the gates of the Lazuli palace, almost immediately twenty guards drew their weapons.

I stretched my arms out, flicking my hands up, ordering them to return their weapons to their gems.  They reluctantly obliged, drawing the gate due to our seemingly peaceful nature.

The gates sweeped open, revealing a beautiful village with stone roads, houses, and shops.

A singular blue stone road led straight, directing you to the palace.

My face held stern in an attempt to look intimidating and professional, I let out a deep breath as we marched on.

I looked down at myself, a tall, moderately muscular young man, white suit, Rose Diamond.

Soon I was to lead an empire.

As a Diamond, I am branded as one of  the most powerful gems we know of so far.

That was why I was to take the throne.

In palace Lazuli, Nakamoto Suzuka was to take her father's place on the throne, as she has lead the most successful battles.

She was the Lazuli that commander kept telling me of, she didn't sound too intimidating.

My brothers trailed behind me, by both of my sides, slightly easing my nerves as we made it to the foot of the palace.

It was beautiful, all shades of pearly blues, enchanting just about everybody that laid eyes on it.

The Lazuli must've seen us, as it didn't take long for the royal guards to come out of all the palace entrances, lining the castle as we silently awaited the Royal Lazuli.

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