September 6th

12 2 0

Dear (Y/N),

The principal sentenced me to detention after one of the nurses found my letter next to you on the desk. It's a shame, but I am getting to write to you now. Have you heard anything from the nurses about your condition? I hope there is a treatment for you, I really do. My head is throbbing like there is no tomorrow, but they had prescribed me a bottle of bright red capsules to ease the pain. I am finding it hard to focus on this letter, so I wIlL Do mY BesT. VOcabulary is finDing itsElf quitE dIFiCulT in class, but on the PlUs my head is feeling better now. I heard that my last letter had reached you while you were comatose, probably for an autopsy or something. I am finding my grades astonishingly low, and our teacher figures iT's because of your aBsence. I have to end this letter now, get well soon! We all miss you!


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